Organizational Culture – Exclusive iSixSigma Magazine Research
The effect culture can have on a company varies as much as company cultures themselves. What influences culture change? What does Six Sigma have to do with changing the culture of an organization? How do companies track and measure culture change? These questions and more are answered in the research article included in the May/June issue of iSixSigma Magazine.
1,748 Number of total survey respondents |
78 Percent of respondents who said that their company is purposefully pursuing culture change |
77 Percent of respondents who said that the motivation for changing the culture was to improve performance of company |
67 Percent of respondents who said that the nature of their culture change is to become more customer focused |
22 Percent of respondents who said that the motivation for changing the culture was to address employee dissatisfaction |
15 Percent of respondents who reported that there is no change management training in their Black Belt curriculum |
62 Percent of respondents who reported that in the course of their Six Sigma role they utilize change management skills “all the time” or “frequently” |
31 Percent of respondents who reported that Six Sigma plays no role in culture change at their company |
Critical findings of this exclusive benchmarking research include:
FINDING 1: The more effort that is made to change the culture, the bigger the impact.
FINDING 2: Improved company performance is No. 1 reason to change work culture. Change most often desired is greater customer focus. Senior management is viewed as more supportive of culture change efforts than middle management and rank-and-file employees.FINDING 3: Successful Six Sigma programs use Six Sigma to effect culture change. Including change management in Black Belt training gets results. Practitioners use change management skills more regularly than perceived by organization.
More findings and all the figures and details are in this exclusive iSixSigma Magazine research study. Subscribe today to receive your personal copy.
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