GOAL/QPC Leader Will Help Healthcare Professionals Use Quality, Creativity and Innovation Tools to Boost Productivity


Industry Summit Keynoter

Salem, New Hampshire (March 28, 2008) – GOAL/QPC CEO and founder Bob King will discuss “The Future of Quality, Transformation and Innovation in Healthcare” during the seventh annual Lean Six Sigma and Process Improvement in Healthcare Summit in Las Vegas, April 1-4.

“Healthcare overall is running 10 to 20 years behind in applying the quality technology that other industries have embraced successfully,” said King. “While some healthcare leaders are working hard at Lean Six Sigma, and we’ve seen some exciting trials with human factors, most hospitals still are unprepared for the cost squeeze coming in the next three to five years. Healthcare urgently needs creative thinking and innovative ideas.”

During his April 3 keynote talk and workshop at the Worldwide Conventions and Business Forums’ summit, King will explain the best available tools and techniques for improving quality and eliciting new ideas for healthcare. “Improving productivity and reducing costs starts with unleashing the power of creativity and innovation,” he said.

About Bob King

Bob King is founder and CEO of GOAL/QPC. In the early 1980s, he was the first to launch a regional Deming users group, and he later led research into advanced Japanese quality methods. First to publish books in English on quality function deployment and Hoshin planning, King helped many U.S. organizations adopt these methods, among them Ford, Intel, Procter & Gamble, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, General Motors, Motorola, Bethesda Hospital and Harvard University. He has published three books: “Idea Edge,” “Better Designs in Half the Time” and “Hoshin Planning: The Developmental Approach.”


Founded in 1978, GOAL/QPC is a world leader in continuous improvement, quality and organizational transformation. Its renowned Memory Jogger pocket guide series (more than 10 million copies sold) focuses on such areas as strategic planning, problem-solving, project management, new product development, ISO 9000, creativity and innovation, total quality management (TQM), team relationships, Six Sigma and Lean Enterprise.

A nonprofit organization based in Salem, New Hampshire, GOAL/QPC operates globally, providing public and in-house training courses, as well as an annual conference. Its membership program offers discounts and includes a subscription to the Journal of Innovative Management. In addition, its Center for Quality Management (CQM) division offers educational programs, advising services, research initiatives and networking activities that build upon a TQM foundation and address the three areas critical to long-term business success: planning, operations and change management.

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