In an organization, it is important that there are members of a team to look to when leadership is required. These members may rise to this higher level of responsibility naturally through their skills or personalities, or they may be put in such a position by management.Being a team leader requires more from you than being a standard worker. You need to be able to bring the team together, communicate well, and be the main liaison between the team and upper management. These responsibilities are all on top of the requirements of being a standard member of a team.
Overview: What is a team leader?
A team leader is someone within an organization whose responsibility it is to lead a group of employees or a department.
3 benefits of being a team leader
There are some major benefits to being a team leader in your company:
1. Support
One major reason for being a team leader is that you can offer support and resources to the members of your team. If you feel a sense of dedication to your team, being placed in an official role where you are there to answer questions and be the bridge to the expectations of senior management could be very fulfilling. You also have the opportunity to make a major difference for the people on your team. Your leadership, advice, and encouragement can boost several team characteristics, such as morale, connectivity, and performance.
2. Career development
Becoming a team leader is an important career advancement. The increased responsibilities and privileges are a step toward senior management.
3. Influence
A team leader has more influence in an organization than a regular worker. With more credibility and authority, a team leader is given more opportunities to make suggestions and requests for the betterment of the team.
Why is a team leader important to understand?
The concept of a team leader is important to understand for the following reasons:
Knowing the responsibilities
Understanding the responsibilities of a team leader is important should you ever be offered such a position or be in a position to grant it to someone. The responsibilities of a team leader include answering team questions, monitoring productivity, communicating updates and expectations, reporting team performance to senior leadership, conducting performance reviews, assigning tasks and overseeing their implementation, training team members, and resolving conflicts.
Act like a leader, and you may become one
If you have an understanding of what a team leader does and take on those responsibilities independently, senior management will likely notice and want to promote you to take on the role officially.
Know the skills associated with the position
Having an understanding of what is required of a team leader can help you sharpen the skills necessary to excel at the position. Successful team leaders have strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. These can be further developed through working in such a position, but there should already be some fundamental understanding in place.
An industry example of a team leader
Seth has been working at a retail store for about six months. During this time, management has taken notice of his popularity among the other employees. He also has a natural ability to corral the group when a major task needs to be done and seems to be the go-to person when a member of the team is having a problem and needs to confide in someone. He also makes sure to keep track of the little things to keep everyone on the job feeling cared for and special, like keeping track of which employee has a birthday coming up and planning something fun around it. Despite taking on all of this, Seth never seems to let any of it detract from fulfilling his normal work duties. It is practically a given that when Seth’s one-year review comes up, he will be placed in a team leader role as a first step towards putting him in a managerial position.
4 best practices for a team leader
Here are some key practices that a potential team leader demonstrates:
1. In-depth knowledge
The right person in your organization to be made a team leader should demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the policies, operations, and processes of your organization.
2. Previous experience as a leader
Having some previous experience leading a team is an important factor in choosing a team leader. This should include showing leadership within or outside of the workplace. Any demonstration of successfully veering toward leadership is a key practice.
3. Clear communication
The right candidate for a team leader role will be someone who shows the practice of being able to communicate well, even under stress.
4. Handling increased responsibility with grace
A good litmus test for determining if someone is going to make a good team leader is to hand them more responsibilities and see how they do under pressure. A good practice is also to give them more to do within a group by delegating tasks to a few members of the team to see how the increase in responsibility is received by the others. For example, look at how easily the members accept the prospective team leader in a position of authority.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about a team leader
What are the most important qualities of a team leader?
Good team leaders show effective communication skills, make ethical decisions, demonstrate expertise in their field, and inspire other employees. They also show the ability to boost employee morale and maintain a positive workplace environment.
Is the role of a team leader higher than that of a manager?
Typically, a team leader is lower on the hierarchy than a manager.
At what level is a team leader considered?
Team leaders work directly with team members, serving as the intermediary between the team and upper management.
Team leaders in your organization
A team leader is an important position in any department within an organization. Whether you are looking to make a jump into a leadership position or you are a person that is looking to promote someone, understanding the traits and skills that make for a successful leader is a big part of making sure that the right person ends up in the role.