When something goes wrong in your organization, it is important to know what the cause of the issue is in order to prevent it from happening again. Luckily, there are several failure analysis tools available, one of which is the Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test.This test is relatively simple and serves to find the true reason for a failure, as opposed to having members of an organization direct needless blame.
Overview: What is the Fenwick-van Koesveld Test?
The Fenwick-van Koesveld test is the practice of asking three times who was responsible for a failure occurring in order to get to the originator of the issue. Organizationally, originator analysis is conducted by individuals without potential ties to the originator. Using this test, there can be only one originator of the failure.
2 benefits and 1 drawback of the Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test
There are a couple of key benefits to this test, as well as one drawback:
1. Benefit: Root cause
One clear benefit of the test is that it can help determine the root cause of an issue.
2. Benefit: Non-biased
A benefit that this test has over some others is that it is non-biased. Bias can be detrimental when determining what the real reason for a failure is, but the Fenwick-vanKoesveld test specifically uses sources that are unrelated to the potential originator of the failure.
3. Drawback: Limited to one originator
This test operates under the assumption that there is only one originator of a failure. Sometimes, the origin of issues cannot be broken down so simply to just one cause.
Why is the Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test important to understand?
The Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test is important to understand for the following reasons:A useful tool – Having tools available to you for determining the causes of failures is important for any business.
Simplicity – Understanding how this test works is important since it is easier to implement than other tools for determining the root causes of issues.
Technique – Another reason why this test is worth understanding is it requires no special technique. This makes it versatile and easy to utilize without a lot of training.
An industry example of the Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test
Over the weekend, a machine failed in a manufacturing plant, causing a backup in orders. The backup was significant enough for the plant manager to order that a Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test be conducted in order to determine the root cause of the failure. An internal audit team investigated the failure, asking themselves three times who was responsible. First, the team looked at the worker who was operating the machine. The team recognized that the operator was not properly trained to recognize in advance that an issue could be developing. The team also looked at the floor’s safety inspector for not noticing that a potential issue could be developing. Ultimately, the team found that the plant manager was indeed responsible for the failure for not making sure that the operator was not properly trained to recognize potential issues that could lead to a failure.
3 best practices when thinking about Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test
Here are some practices worth keeping in mind when it comes to this test being utilized in your organization:
1. Always utilize non-biased personnel and resources
In order for the test to be accurate, it is integral to use non-biased personnel and that the data collected in service of the test not be skewed.
2. Brainstorm about the best techniques
Since there is no special technique required for conducting the Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test, it could be beneficial to discuss it with colleagues and experts in order to determine what the best technique would work for your organization. You may be able to find techniques that have worked for similar organizations as well. If conducting the test internally, this could also be an opportunity for determining who should be on the team, based on the least amount of bias.
3. Auditors
You may already have internal auditors that are available for conducting the test, but if not, it is also possible to find auditors that can be outsourced.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test
What are some other examples of failure analysis?
Other methods of failure analysis include failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), fault-tree analysis (FTA), and Ishikawa fishbone diagrams.
Why is determining the root cause of a failure so important?
Finding the root cause of a failure is vital in helping prevent the same kind of failure from happening again.
Is it worth understanding failure analysis if my organization or processes are fail-proof?
Nothing is fail-proof, so having some failure analysis strategies mapped out ahead of any issues occurring can help ensure that the fallout from a failure is lesser than if there was no preparation at all.
Who orders the Fenwick-vanKoesveld Test?
Most often, it will be a high-ranking official or team leader in an organization.
Finding answers with the Fenwick-vanKoesveld test
Tests like this are vitally important for knowing why a failure occurred. If you want to be prepared for when things go wrong in your organization, having a solid foundation of originator and failure analysis tools at your disposal can make you an even more valuable asset to your business.