I was recently asked, “What is the most efficient way to communicate change throughout the value stream?”
What I am about to propose does not need to take the place of other methods to communicate change. Historically, email, newsletters, video or updating policies all have had their place. I have had good experiences using a multi-front approach because people learn or hear and retain information in different ways.
What I have found to be most helpful, which can be used in addition to all of the classic communication methods, is a “one-pager” – an executive summary, or A3. This document is an easy-to-read brief of the who, what, when, where, why and how regarding the change. It should be structured in a clear, bulleted format so it can be read and understood at a glance. The page also should be visual, with pictures, graphs, screen shots, etc.
I like to segment the page, with a header, title and date at the top, and the issue, process owner and metric listed in the upper left. In the upper right, there should be some kind of graphic. Then, in the middle, a couple of bullets to cover the background of the change. The bottom of the page should be the solution, with a picture or screen shot of the new process. There also should be links to procedures or web pages for viewers who seek more information.
This tool can be strictly informative or it can be used to ensure understanding and adherence if change is of a critical nature.