
Ishikawa, Ichiro


Japanese quality professional widely known for the Ishikawa diagram also known as the fishbone or cause and effect diagram. He is also known as Ishikawa, Kaoru.

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Kappa is the common measurement for judging how your measurement system works for attribute data. It is also described as the primary output from an Attribute Agreement Analysis.

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The phrase “it depends” sums up the concept of interaction in the context of Design of Experiments. Interaction is when the effect of one factor on a response variable depends on the level or setting of another factor. 

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Intangible Benefits


Leaders, managers, and practitioners love tangible (hard and soft) benefits because they can be measured and quantified; however, intangible benefits create goodwill and buy in among employees. 

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I-MR chart


The Individuals-Moving Range (I-MR) Chart is one of the most widely-used control charts in statistics and the standard for most situations where data was collected in individual data points. It allows such a process to be assessed for stability both in terms of central tendency as well as variation.

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Identify, Design, Optimize, Validate: A Proven Approach to Designing High-Quality Products


Incremental and continuous improvements are great. When appropriate, breakthrough improvement is even better. IDOV (identify, design, optimize, validate) is one tool for accomplishing this. Let’s see how. 

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How to Optimize the Value of Hypothesis Testing


Hypothesis testing is a branch of statistics in which, using data from a sample, an inference is made about a population parameter or a population probability distribution.

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Exploring the Benefits of Fractional Factorial DOE


Fractional factorial DOE is a cost- and time-effective designed experimentation statistical tool for understanding the impact of your process inputs on your process outputs. 

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critical to quality

Interactional Data


Marketing is crucial for most organizations in their efforts to acquire new customers and maintain their relationships with their existing ones. There are many factors involved in developing proper marketing strategies. One of them is the collection and proper analysis of interactional data. Interactional data is not used to its full potential by many organizations […]

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Fitted value


Fitted values are, in short, predictions. In Six Sigma terms, they are the expected value of Y for a specific combination of Xes and allow the practitioner to estimate what to expect even when those predictor values have never been observed.

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The Impact of Key Business Issues: Understanding and Addressing Critical Challenges


Are all your organization’s problems and issues of equal importance? Probably not. How should you handle those that are the most critical and important? Let’s find out. A Key Business Issue (KBI) refers to a critical problem or challenge that your organization faces, which can significantly impact your performance, growth, or competitiveness. KBIs are specific […]

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Best Practices for Facilitating Successful Meetings


Sometimes we need the input of others in order to make a process easier. We also often could use someone who can bring a group together when working toward a goal. When this is done, that person is someone who facilitates. In a meeting, it can be easy for a group to lose direction. Having […]

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Essential Strategies for Identifying Key Business Requirements


Key business requirements are everything. They are the measure by which your product, process or company lives or dies, so ignorance is not an option.

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How Employee Empowerment Benefits Your Business


Virtually every business decision is a matter of investment and success is based on how companies deploy resources like employee time, capital and brand image. The authority to make independent decisions is also a type of resource that can and should be invested by delegating it to team members. Overview: What is empowerment? Employee empowerment […]

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Building a Knowledge-Based Community: An Overview


The pursuit of knowledge is not relegated solely to the individual. Businesses regularly gather staff and other stakeholders with the intent of working together to gain knowledge that can assist in the goals of the organization. When an organization puts together a knowledge-based community, it shows that it is not only invested in the advancement […]

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What Every SS Practitioner Should Know About Factors


The word factor, in the context of Design of Experiments (DOE), has several other names. Let’s learn more about what a factor is and how it is used in DOE. One of the most common formulas in statistics is Y = f(X) which states that Y is a function of X. If you define Y […]

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The Evolution and Impact of Jidoka


STOP THE PRESSES! Jidoka will immediately stop equipment upon discovering an abnormality in the process. Let’s explore this a little deeper.

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Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation


Is your Lean Six Sigma training accomplishing what you want it to do? How do you know? Those questions can be answered by using the Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation. Let’s see how.

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Error (Type II)


Error that concludes that someone is not guilty, when in fact, they really are. (Ha true, but I concluded Ho). BETA Accept an hypothesis or statement as true when it is false: Ho is false, but I conclude Ho is true. Error that concludes that someone is not guilty, when in fact, he or she […]

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Information Communication Technology: The Tools for Building a Stronger Business


The landscape of how business is done is ever-evolving. The way that businesses interact with customers and how those customers purchase goods and services is unrecognizable from how things were done just a couple of decades ago. A big component of these changes is the rise of information communication technology. Any time you make a […]

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Error (Type I)


Error that concludes that someone is guilty, when in fact, they really are not. (Ho true, but I rejected it–concluded Ha). Also known as ALPHA error. Also known as Producer’s risk.

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The Danger of Instant Pudding in the Workplace


Instant pudding may make a great snack, but it’s a terrible approach to managing quality and productivity in business. Unlike the average domestic kitchen, there are very few things that you can simply whip together in the business world. Overview: What is instant pudding? In the context of business and process management, the term “instant […]

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Track Organizational Progress with the Help of Key Performance Indicators


How does your organization track and monitor organizational performance? Do you have key metrics that you frequently look at to make decisions? Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is a common method for tracking your most important metrics. Let’s see how. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company […]

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Hoshin Kanri


Does your organization just focus on today’s operational and tactical issues, or is there a process for developing a strategic plan for the future? Hoshin Kanri is a method for ensuring an organization’s strategic goals drive progress and action at every level within that organization. 

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