Quality Procrastination


Quality improvement takes dedication, time, and resources. With this being the case, many find myriad excuses to hold off on quality improvement efforts until the very end, usually to the detriment of their organization. Being able to offer quality products and services to your customers needs to be a primary focus of your business. When […]

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Q1: A Key Metric in Analyzing Performance and Progress


What does it mean when you see the phrase Q1? Using the common phrase of consultants, it depends, the definition of Q1 is dependent upon the context of its use. Let’s examine the possible definitions. While the phrase Q1 seems simple enough to understand, the true meaning will be a function of the context in […]

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A Complete Guide to Risk Based Inspection


Inspection of the structures and machinery in manufacturing plants was once done primarily through industry practices that were rooted in health and safety regulations along with prescriptive codes. Unfortunately, this type of inspection did not take into account the risk of failure, environmental conditions, and so forth. A more well-rounded approach to inspection was developed […]

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Random Sample


A data point taken at random from the universe or population of your process.

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Quality Operating System (QOS)


With increasing competitive and market pressures, understanding customer requirements and delivering high-quality products, processes and services has never been more important. By implementing a Quality Operating System, you can ensure that quality improvement is every employee’s responsibility and focus.

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Quality Dictionary: A Key Tool for Effective Communication in Six Sigma Methodology


Overview: What is a quality dictionary? In the Six Sigma methodology, effective communication is essential to ensure all stakeholders are working towards the same goal. A quality dictionary is a critical tool in establishing a common language and understanding of key terms and concepts related to quality and process improvement, helping to reduce ambiguity and […]

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The Benefits of Having Quality Records in Six Sigma Projects


Keeping records is a necessary part of any business. This extends to everything from business transactions to a company’s quality management system.The proper formatting, cataloging, storage, and maintenance of quality records are all vital facets of an organization’s quality management system. Overview: What is a quality record? A quality record can be defined as the […]

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What Every SS Practitioner Should Know About R


You are convinced there is a correlation between your X and Y variables. But, you won’t know for sure until you can establish the strength of the correlation. That’s where R comes in. Let’s learn some more about R. R is the symbol used to represent the strength and direction of correlation between continuous variables. […]

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How Your Practices Can Improve Your Processes


Having the right processes is integral to the success of your business, but having the right type of practices in your organization helps make sure that the work being done to implement those processes is approached from the right perspective. Getting a task done is necessary, but it is also important to look at how […]

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Discover the Magic of Probability: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners


Have you ever heard someone ask the question, “What’s the odds of that happening?”. Well, that’s the concept of probability. Let’s learn a little more about probability and how it can be used in your organization.  When you start discussing probability with someone else in your organization, you may hear the words deterministic or stochastic. […]

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Queuing Theory: A Solution for Shorter Lines and Happier Customers


Have you ever waited in a line at the grocery store or bank? The British term for a line is a queue. Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting in line. Let’s learn more about this. The British refer to a line as a queue. Queuing theory is the mathematical study of people, objects […]

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Random Variation


Is random variation a good thing or a bad thing? Should I worry about the statistical implications or the practical ones? Let’s find out.

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Precision is how companies build systems that enable them to deliver the right solutions to their customers’ problems at the right times, repeatedly. Does your company do that?

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How to Analyze Quantitative Variables


In statistics and math there are two types of data: quantitative data and categorical data. A variable that represents quantitative data is called a quantitative variable while a variable representing categorical data is called a categorical variable.  Overview: What is a quantitative variable?  Quantitative data represents values and numbers which can be measured or counted […]

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Productivity Target


A productivity target is an established, quantifiable result from a given process. It represents the minimum acceptable value yield from a given quantity of time and resources invested into it.

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Process Stability


In Six Sigma, process stability is extremely important to efficiency and productivity. With a stable process, you have predictability, and quotas can be met.

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Process Control Plan


In Six Sigma, you will often hear the phrase, “It worked so well we stopped doing it.” The purpose of a process control plan is to maintain the gains of your project and prevent this from happening. 

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Parts Per Million (PPM)


The term parts per million, or PPM, is used in a number of contexts in engineering, chemistry and process improvement. We will focus on the application in continuous or process improvement.

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The Role of Process Owners: Driving Efficiency and Quality in Organizations


The role of a process owner in Lean Six Sigma goes beyond being a mere title or designation. By assigning dedicated process owners, organizations can unlock the true potential of their processes, driving efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. In today’s dynamic business landscape, organizations are constantly striving for efficiency, quality, and continuous improvement, all of […]

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Project Scope


Effective scope management keeps your project on track by establishing clear goals, progressive milestones, performance standards, and specific restraints across every stage of the process.

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The Importance of Process Measurables in Data Analysis


The term “process measurables” is incredibly narrow and also incredibly broad. In the scope of overall business management, it can seem like a pretty narrow and technical concept. However, for process managers, it’s a concept that can describe hundreds of different things in one project alone. Overview: What are process measurables? A measurable is any […]

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Preventive Action


Preventing a problem is better than correcting one. Anticipating and avoiding potential issues before they arise is a hallmark of strong business management.

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The Benefits of a Process Management System


Process management, sometimes referred to as Business Process Management (BPM) is a systematic approach to ensure that your organization’s business processes are aligned in an efficient and effective manner, and aligned with your organization’s strategic goals.  Some of the benefits to having a process management system in place are: Overview: What is process management?  The […]

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Proactive Problem-Solving: Rare Event Statistical Process Control Charts


With statistical process charts (SPC), you have a statistical approach that is accessible and allows you to find solutions to system and process problems. One type of chart that falls under the SPC umbrella of tools is the rare event SPC. When rare events occur in your industry, it is necessary to monitor them to […]

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