Process Capability Index: The Key to Customer Satisfaction and Business Success


Can your process meet the expectations and specifications of your customer? The Process Capability Index is a simple way of answering that question. Let’s see how.

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The Final Step: Understanding the Importance of Process Sign Off (PSO)


It is important to have a procedure in place to finalize a project. That is where a PSO (process sign off) procedure comes in.

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Unlocking Improvement Opportunities with Modular Arrangements of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS)


What is the most efficient way for an employee to complete a task? Could the way they are getting the job done improve? Could it be safer? Predetermined motion time systems help to answer these questions.

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The Power of Collaboration: Exploring the Function Analysis System Technique


It is important to be able to see your processes, projects, and services from every conceivable viewpoint. Putting together FAST diagrams can achieve this while doing it in a collaborative and potentially even fun way.

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Optimizing Process Efficiency with LSS Inspection Plans


The Lean Six Sigma inspection plan is a very useful tool for creating a quality control program that achieves high-quality results and customer satisfaction. If you are looking for a way to streamline your organization’s quality assurance goals, you will greatly benefit from this comprehensive guide.

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Estimating Machine Lifespan: A Guide to Kaplan-Meier Analysis


In business, the durability and longevity of machines utilized in operations are integral for optimal production. This can be planned for using the Kaplan-Meier estimator.

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Confidence Level for Business Applications: Determining the Right Threshold


When dealing with data and statistics, there is no certainty. As the researcher, you get to choose the level of confidence you need to make your decisions.

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Trend Charts in Quality Management: Enhancing Process Monitoring


You can learn a lot about your process by monitoring its change over time. There are different trend charts which will allow you to do that. Let’s look at a few. 

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What is Muda? Understanding the Concept of Waste Reduction


Short description: Before you can improve anything, you’ve got to be able to identify the areas that you can improve. This is what the Lean Six Sigma principle of muda is all about: identifying where waste is happening and eliminating it.

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Corrective Action Report (CAR)


When defects happen in the manufacturing process, it’s important to correct them as quickly as possible and take action so they don’t occur again. Initiating a Corrective Action Report, or CAR, helps a project manager document the issue and define steps to avoid repeating it.

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Process Indicator


The power of data can be harnessed by understanding the benefits, best practices, and proper use of process indicators. Quantifying process performance allows for clear analysis of operations.

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Understanding the Mood’s Median Test: An Overview


Your data has failed the assumption of normality needed for a parametric test of hypotheses. If you have two or more groups you want to analyze, what do you do? Maybe the Mood’s Median Test will help. 

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Pearson’s Correlation


To answer the question of how strong and in what direction is the relationship between two continuous variables you would use the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Let’s learn more about this statistical descriptor and what it tells you about your data.

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Platykurtic Distribution


Not all your data will have a normal distribution. Sometimes, the curve is taller or shorter than a theoretical  normal distribution. Does that mean you have a problem? We can answer that question by learning a little bit more about kurtosis and the platykurtic distribution.

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Nominal Data


Sometimes you are interested in analyzing data that is not measurable. Nominal data consists of unordered categories which can be counted but not measured.  

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Mallows Statistic (C-p)


When you hear the phrase Mallows’ Statistic (Cp) think of multiple regression analysis. The question you want to answer is which combination of predictor variables will give you the best prediction model. Let’s learn a little more. 

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Independent Variable


What is an independent variable and why is it important to understand? And how is it different from a dependent variable? Let’s answer those questions for you.

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The design, collection and analysis of experimental data takes significant time and resources. Careful consideration of the potential cause and effect relationships is key along with an understanding of variables that can influence both cause and effect. These confounding variables are ever present but their influence can be mitigated with good experimental design.

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R-Square Adjusted


R-Square adjusted is a concept that is associated with regression analysis, which is a method used to identify which variables have an impact on a topic. Learn more about this Six Sigma concept.

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Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS)


A predetermined motion time system can be useful for everything from estimating labor costs to balancing production lines. It is a concept worth exploring for its myriad applications.

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Effective Team Building with the GRPI Model: Setting Goals, Roles, Processes, and Relationships


The GRPI model was developed in the 1970s by Richard Beckhard, an American organizational theorist. Its ease of use and effectiveness keeps it in use today. Find out more about this.

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Definition of Quality


In business, you need to be able to meet the needs of your customers. Your product or service has to be up to a certain standard. It needs to hold up to an agreed-upon definition of quality.

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Subjective Rating vs. Ranking: Which Is the Better Data Collection Method?


Subjective ratings and rankings can be used in a variety of applications, such as assessing job performance, gauging customer satisfaction, and monitoring the morale of your workforce. Find out more about this Six Sigma term.

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Mastering Scatter Plots: Tools for Business Decision-Making


If you need a quick tool for analyzing a mass of data in order to spot a likely relationship between two variables, a scatter plot is a good first step. 

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