Out of Control Action Plan: Correcting Process Variants for Optimal Performance


Out-of-control Action Plans (OCAPS) are a piece of the Lean Six Sigma methodology that is often overlooked. Though they have been phased out in some organizations, it is important to understand their purpose and how they can help a company improve its processes.

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Mastering F-Charts: A Valuable Addition to Your Toolkit


If you need a control chart that is quick and easy to set up in order to track defects, an F-chart is worth knowing about.

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From Constraint to Opportunity: Leveraging Capacity Constraint Resources


Addressing the challenges posed by capacity constraint resources determines how much and how quickly businesses can grow beyond their status quo.

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Making Informed Conclusions: Using the 1-Sample Sign Test for Median Analysis


We know that many hypothesis tests have an underlying assumption of normality. But, what if your data is not normal? Let’s see how the 1-sample sign test can help. 

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Efficient Data Representation: Why Web Charts Matter


If you have ever seen a polygon web-shaped chart with points all over it connected by various colors, you may have wondered how it works. It is a web chart and it is not as complicated as it looks.

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Understanding Reproducibility: Ensuring Reliable Measurement Systems


If you have your three laboratory technicians measure the same samples using the same equipment and measurement process will they give you the same answers? Let’s learn more about the concept of reproducibility.

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Improving Experimental Precision with Replication: A Comprehensive Guide


When you talk about Design of Experiments, you can discuss the 3 Big R’s; Randomization, Repetition and Replication. Let’s learn more about Replication and contrast that with the other R’s. 

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Identifying and Managing Special Cause Variations


When it comes to variance, there are two main types to consider. These are common cause and special cause. Common cause variations usually do not pose much of a problem. Special case variations are another story.

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Analyzing Correlation Coefficients: Discovering Patterns in Data


The correlation coefficient (r) answers the question of how strong and in what direction is the relationship between two continuous variables. Let’s explore this statistical descriptor and what it tells you about your data.

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Probability of Defect: Unlocking the Key to Operational Excellence


Short description: With the increasing demand for Lean Six Sigma to address the rising costs of product and service quality, the “Probability of Defect” concept is still very relevant in today’s environment of process improvement.

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Streamlining Project Management: The Role of a Project Process


Embarking on projects without any formalized, thought-out process involved can be fine when you are keeping it small or routine. This sort of fly-by-night approach is not recommended when there is anything major actually at stake.

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Understanding Rejectable Quality Level: Key Concepts and Applications


When it comes to sampling plans, there are some terms that are absolutely crucial to be aware of. These are Acceptable Quality Level (AQL), Indifference Quality Level (IQL), and Rejectable Quality Level (RQL).

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Benefits and Best Practices of Using Supplier Request for Engineering Approvals


It is inevitable that change happens, whether it be temporary or permanent. Whether you are on the supply side or the manufacturing side of engineering, for permanent changes it is likely you are going to encounter an SREA.

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How Kaizen Events Drive Continuous Improvement


With your business, sometimes a need arises to address an issue swiftly and with all hands on deck. A Kaizen Event is meant for these kinds of times.

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Boosting Your Bottom Line: How Glenday Sieve Can Improve Your Processes


The Glenday Sieve approach can help companies improve business processes, boost profits and eliminate waste and underperformance.

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Machine Capability Index: A Tool for Authentication and Verification


If you have a new machine or equipment, you need to be able to determine if it is going to have the potential to make the cut. That is where Cmk comes in.

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Opportunities: A Gateway to Enhancing Process Efficiency and Quality


There are some common everyday terms that can mean one thing, but that can be a bit more nuanced when it comes to Six Sigma. One of these terms is “opportunity”. Read on to find out what it means when it comes to Six Sigma.

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Fostering Creativity in the Workplace: The Power of Opportunity Creation


The ability to find and create opportunities is of paramount importance in terms of innovation and growth for your business. Being able to find opportunities is one thing, but can opportunities be created?

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Achieving Excellence: How to Attain the Coveted Rank of Master Black Belt


Will having a Master Black Belt help your organization beat up your competitors? Yes. By having a skilled and experienced Master Black Belt, your organization will have the capabilities to improve all that they do and gain competitive advantage. Let’s see how.

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Necessities vs. Eliminations: Decoding Necessary Non-Value Adding


In business, you always want to think of your customer and you should be doing everything you can to add value to your service. There are some things, however, required to run your business that will have no inherent value to your customer.

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Exploring the Path to Achieving World Class Quality


Achieving world-class quality isn’t something every organization can do, because so much of what makes it possible cannot be taught. It boils down to mindset and certain character traits that some people have, some people don’t. Do you?

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Process Capability Index: The Key to Customer Satisfaction and Business Success


Can your process meet the expectations and specifications of your customer? The Process Capability Index is a simple way of answering that question. Let’s see how.

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The Final Step: Understanding the Importance of Process Sign Off (PSO)


It is important to have a procedure in place to finalize a project. That is where a PSO (process sign off) procedure comes in.

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Unlocking Improvement Opportunities with Modular Arrangements of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS)


What is the most efficient way for an employee to complete a task? Could the way they are getting the job done improve? Could it be safer? Predetermined motion time systems help to answer these questions.

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