CPOE: Six Sigma for Healthcare?


Today I learned about a new program that’s being used in healthcare organizations. It gives me great hope that something significant is on the horizon. It’s called Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) and the many healthcare professionals that read this site probably know about it already — but I’ll share what I learned for the […]

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Lean Plus at Boeing


The Seattle Post-Intelligencer ran an article last week called “Putting ’lean’ processes into all of Boeing“.The article summarizesthe four initiatives that James McNerney recently announced atan executive retreat in Orlando, Florida, and contains excerpts from a summary of the events posted on Boeing’s internal website. Of the four initiatives that will will help drive organic […]

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Hard Core Naysayers


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 17: “You can say that Six Sigma improved production but we were going to make those changes anyway.” If you hear this, then you’re probably dealing with a “Hard Core […]

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The Power of Community


The following is The Last Word from the January/February 2006 issue of iSixSigma Magazine, entitled “When Business is Personal.”

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iSixSigma Sponsors Two IQPC Six Sigma Excellence Awards


Later this month,IQPC will host the7th Annual Six Sigma Summit in Miami. At the conference will be keynote speaker Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York. I am excited to attend theevent andam looking forward to hearing him teach his lessons on leadership through the worst of times. Other speakers include Don Linsenmann, Corporate Champion […]

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Six Sigma at Starwood Hotels and Resorts


From Indonesia to Malta, Six Sigma is a welcome guest at Starwood hotels. Launched early in 2001, Six Sigma is entering it’s sixth year at the hotel, which still holds the acclaim of being the only hotel with a corporate-wide Six Sigma initiative. Starwood properties each have a Six Sigma Council that organize and prioritize […]

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Project Wheel of Reinvention


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 16: We’ve been working projects on the same processes for the past 5 years. Just how many times are we going to reinvent the wheel? This type of statement is […]

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Lean Six Sigma at Xerox and Young & Rubicam


The January 2006 issue of CMO Magazine has two excellent articles highlighting the use of Lean Six Sigma at Xerox and their ad agency Young & Rubicam. The article Lean Machine specifically goes into detail on how Xerox’s corporate marketing group came on board with Six Sigma and is seeing some outstanding results. For those […]

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Six Sigma Milkshakes from Red Robin


This has got to be my all-time favorite example of the use of Six Sigma in the restaurant business. Red Robin restaurants teamed with GE Commercial Finance inan “At the Customer, For the Customer” (ACFC) project to tackle a major customer service issue: the timely delivery of milkshakes. “In 2005, we will produce more than […]

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Six Sigma at The Home Depot


What do Bob Nardelli, Larry Johnston, James McNerney, and Matthew Espe all have in common? Aside from all being former GE executives trained and tutored under the hand of Jack Welch, they each speak the Six Sigma dialect of business language and have introduced the corporations they lead to the methodology. In 2001 The Home […]

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Why So Many Belt Colors?


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 15: Black Belts, Green Belts, Yellow Belts, how many different colored belts does it take to change a process? If an organization is planning to engrain Six Sigma as a […]

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Standard Register Receives Award


Standard Register received the Top Medical Surgical Vendor for 2005 award from Shared Services Healthcare, Inc. What I like about the press release (beyond the recognition of a remarkable Six Sigma company) is the “About Standard Register” paragraph at the end. The description of how Lean Six Sigma fits in the organization is perfect. “Relying […]

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U.S. Army Lean Six Sigma


The U.S. Army Materiel Command has a website dedicated to information about the Lean Six Sigma efforts currently underway. There is even an entire page devoted to Lean Six Sigma project case studies and results. Over 20 success stories are shared including a video that highlights the ways Lean Six Sigma is directly impacting U.S. […]

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Lack of Six Sigma Buy-in or Is It Something Else??


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 14: Although we’ve had successful Six Sigma projects for over two years, the organization is still resistant. I don’t think Six Sigma will ever be accepted. In some organizations, even […]

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Six Sigma at Amazon.com


It’’s holiday time and Amazon is just about as busy as Santa. This year at Amazon.com you’ll see the Holiday Delight-O-Meter, which shows real-time data for the number of items ordered worldwide since November 21st. My calculations estimate about 2,000 items ordered per minute. Not much room for error. It’s good to know that instead […]

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Six Sigma Contributing to Productivity at Lilly


A Press Release issued today by Eli Lilly and Company credits Six Sigma as a significant contributor to the 15% productivity increase they experienced in 2005: “Lilly is utilizing several tools to increase productivity and lower its cost structure, including applying Six Sigma across its global operations, which is expected to free up resources, accelerate […]

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Six Sigma at Target Corporation


Target Corporation began a unique Six Sigma initiative and rightly named it “6SIGMA@Target” to identify it as their own. Six Sigma is helping Target achieve their mantra “design, innovation, and continuous improvement”a philosophy aimed at delighting guests. In addition to Six Sigma, Target trains employees in a wide array of skills under the continuous improvement […]

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Running Out of Projects? Never!


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 13: We’ve been working Six Sigma projects for over four years. We’ve run out of project ideas. If your organization is telling you this, then running out of projects is […]

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Are Belt Exams Overkill?


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 12: Are Black Belt and Green Belt exams really necessary? It’s not like we’re getting a college degree. This is a common question, especially from those who may have attended […]

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Thanksgiving Design of Experiments


This week Ibring you two delicious DOE’s (Design of Experiments) as a Thanksgiving treat. The First, Applying DOE to Microwave Popcorn, is a real favorite of mine. Mark Anderson and Hank Anderson share a Design of Experiments that identifies what really matters when making microwave popcorn. In the second, Recipe for Pound Cake Experiment, Mark […]

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G.I. Jack – Sigma 6?


I love the iSixSigma discussion forum not just for the knowledge sharing that goes on between experts and those needing advice around the world, but also for the trend spotting. In recent days The Independent, and many subsequent television news shows, have reported how Pope Benedict XVI has created a stir in the Vatican (and […]

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Improving Sales Effectiveness


The Last Word from the November/December 2005 issue of iSixSigma Magazine, entitled “Starting-up Six Sigma.” In the early 1990s, the CEO of a large chemical company told his sales managers that they had to start sharing ideas, documenting their processes, and defining a best practice that would make all the salespeople as effective as their […]

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Six Sigma Financial Goals – Needed or Not?


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 11:If Six Sigma is truly supposed to be embedded in the business, why do you need to have a separate Six Sigma financial goal? Good question. The answer depends on […]

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Six Sigma at Volkswagen


Although Volkswagen AG shows no external signsof a Six Sigma program (annual reports, press releases), they did recently start the ForMotion initiative aimed at cutting costs and improving processes. “In March 2004 we launched the ForMotion performance enhancement program across the Group. The program includes seven focus areas in which all Group activities and projects […]

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