It’s a People Thing


Today, more than most others, I’m convinced that a large majorityof ourSix Sigma brotherhood/sisterhood just don’t get that continuous improvement is a people thing. Sure, the technical stuff is important but what good is reciting a formula from memory if you can’t get the people in the operation or the executives in the board room […]

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ISSSP Leadership Conference


Later this month(May 16-19) the International Society of Six Sigma Professionals will host the 7th Annual Six Sigma Leadership Conference in warm and sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. I attended the event last year and had a great time. You can read my blog entries from last year here. This year Chad Holliday, Chairman and CEO […]

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Things have been this way for far too long!!!


Healthcare is a very traditional and conservative industry. Never more has this been apparent that after a few seminars I have recently attended on quality in healthcare. After the seminars, two things stood out in my mind: 1. Healthcare is, generally, not willing to take advice from folks “outside” of healthcare; 2. Physicians are the […]

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It’s data Jim, but not as we know it


During my black belt training I was introduced to the true scope of the normal distribution. Here was a distribution found extensively throughout nature and industry. It is a principle building block for the six-sigma methodology from which a number of our essential statistical tools are based including all of the t-tests. We discovered that […]

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Six Sigma at New York-Presbyterian Hospital


New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) began their Six Sigma initiative in 2003. Today they are ranked 7th in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Hospitals Honor Roll. Before implementing Six Sigma they were ranked 14th. Ed Craven, Director of Innovation Strategy at NYP said Six Sigma deserves some of the credit for jump in the ranks. […]

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“It’s So Simple!”


  I’ve been in the healthcare field all of my professional life. Whether this is your situation, or you have joined us lately, perhaps you’ve noticed the same thing I have. We all know what to do to make things better in our hospitals and facilities. It’s true… just ask anyone. Solve ER overcrowding? Reduce […]

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We’re Already World Class


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 25: For the past three years our product has been ranked ‘world-class.’ What can Six Sigma possibly do for us? Sometimes having a world class product or operation makes it […]

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The week of a black belt part 1: Six Sigma Conferences – Quality of business?


Or business of quality? I’ve had the privilege and honor of being able to attend the 7th annual Six Sigma Summit in London this week. It was my first experience with this type of event. Together with 380 other delegates, we have seen presentations and shared learnings from other companies’ deployment experiences. So, are these […]

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No Crash and Burn at Dow with Six Sigma


Dow Chemical is a Six Sigma giant. A recent news item from CCH reported that they have been using Six Sigma to reduce the number of vehicle accidents at the Hydrocarbons and Energy business unit (HC&E). “The study was conducted in 2002 and improvements and a control plan were put into place beginning January 2003. […]

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Shop Floorisms


I’m a word person. You know the type, always evaluating the way ideas are conveyed through language. I’m not the obnoxious type of word person in that I don’t see it as my mission to correct the speech of others but I do enjoy learning the lingo of the particular shop or officein which I’m […]

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Day Two: IQPC DFSS Conference, Chicago


Over the last two days many of the presenters have all touched upon a common theme: The hardest part of a Design for Six Sigma implementation is not the technical aspects of DFSS, but the organizational challengers, the soft side of the equation. Success is more about influencing the people than using the methodology. Today’s […]

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Upward Management in Healthcare Six Sigma


How manyhealthcare Black Belts thinkthe biggest Six Sigma challenge is notproject management, or coaching your team, butteaching your Project Sponsor/ Executive Sponsor / Process OwneraboutSix Sigma? This is something I’ve encountered in early Six Sigma Project Waves. The scenario I’m thinking about is the one whereyou’re meeting with leadership about your project.In public meetings, they’ve […]

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Does It Actually Matter What We Teach Black Belts?


In an earlier blog entry, I described my feelings on DMAIC and roadmaps in general. To make a long story short, I don’t believe they add much value to the core toolset of Six Sigma. A couple of folks quite rightly expressed their disagreement with my view via comments. I say quite rightly, because I […]

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Day One: IQPC DFSS Conference, Chicago


I’m in Chicago attending the IQPC 8th annual Design for Six Sigma conference. Today’s events included presentations from HP, Bank of America, Bechtel Nevada and Motorola. Joe Ficalora, of SBTI, chaired the day. For the DFSS enthusiast today was a feast. To anyone else it probably sounded like an acronym convention. I really enjoyed the […]

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Elephants on the 5


I was driving down the 5 in Los Angeles yesterday on my way back to the hotel and, as I’ve discovered is often the case when one’s pace is a blistering 3 M.P.H., my mind began to wander a bit. If you’ve read any of my previous posts you’re probably saying to yourself “great, he’s […]

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World’s Youngest iSixSigma Magazine Reader


Pictured at right: Liam Atwood (8 months old), iSixSigma Magazine’s youngest reader. Thanks, Jon, for passing along the picture. I can’t tell you what Mia did with her copy… well, perhaps over drinks ;). See you at the ISSSP Leadership Conference in May.

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Podcast: iSixSigma Salary Survey


Thelatest podcast is ready to download.This podcast includes highlights from the Third Annual Global Six Sigma Salary Survey, published in the March/April issue of iSixSigma Magazine. Nearly 2,500 Black Belts, Master Black Belts, Champions and Deployment Leaders worldwide took part inthe survey. The data is broken down by Six Sigma role, geographic location, educational level, […]

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Who Am I, and Why Am I Here?


“Healthcare Black Belt seeks long-distance relationship with diverse group of process improvers willing to share opinions and experiences about the challenges of getting the right people to do the right things right.” First order of business: Who am I? I ask myself this question frequently. Every time I change jobs, it’s an opportunity to reinvent […]

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The technology that had made healthcare so great in this country has also been at the center of many roadblocks to quality. It has long been the notion that as technology advances in healthcare, so should the quality and efficiency of the process. Therefore, it is the tendency to add technology wherever technology can be […]

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For Want of a Nail


My lovely wife was surfing the web this evening and she stumbled across this loose quotation from Benjamin Franklin’s “Poor Richards Almanac”: For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse was lost, for want of a horse a rider was lost, for want of a rider an […]

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7th Apr and 06 v1.21.35a(iii)


Hi, Not one of my usual insightful articles on the world of Six Sigma today (!) more of a request for your assitance, guidance and input. I’ve recently taken the job of restructuring the electronic folder structure for our rapidly exanding team and ensuring it is tidy, functional and usable by everyone. As with all […]

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Too Busy for Six Sigma


Benchmarking results consistently identify examples of Six Sigma success. Even so, getting “naysayers” on board is a continuous challenge. What do you tell them? Nayism 24: Six Sigma sounds great but we’re swamped with work and I don’t see how we can take on one more thing. Being too swamped with work is often heard […]

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Goblins, Lochs andamp; Hurdling Penguins


Our company has put a recent focus on ‘away days’ for its senior teams. You know the sort of thing. The whole team ups and goes off into the wilds with threats of being left in the middle of nowhere with a tin of soup, a pencil and an elastic band. Living in Scotland we […]

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Should All Black Belts be Green Belt Teachers?


In my opinion they should. After going though mindblowing and overwhelming Black Belt training sessions and doing the first Black Belt projects I was at times not sure what to do with respect to DMAIC. During those first training projects I was lucky to be mentored and coached by a great Master Black Belt. My […]

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