Decisions, Decisions…


Hi Blogosphere, I’ve recently taken a big decision. It’s important to know that it is totally the right decision but it was also a big decision. You know when you make a decision sometimes you agonise over it and, as BBs, we often spend weeks gathering data to ensure we’ve absolutely, statistically verified that the […]

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ISSSP Six Sigma Leadership Conference: Warm Scottsdale, Here We Come!


Jessica Harper (managing editor of iSixSigma Magazine), Michael Marx (iSixSigma’s research manager) and I will be in warm Scottsdale, Arizona, May 7-10. If you’re looking to escape the weather and be (almost) guaranteed warm days and sunny skies, then consider joining us in Scottsdale for the ISSSP Six Sigma Leadership Conference. This year I vowed […]

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What Flavour Are You?


I recently had an opportunity to talk with someone involved in a manufacturing deployment. What struck me was how different their deployment was to ours. This worried me into thinking we were somehow doing it wrong and not doing real Lean Six Sigma. I think I have now rationalised the experience and here is what […]

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Networking “Chicago Style”


Last week I joined several of my colleagues in Chicago to participate in the Conference Board’s 2007 Six Sigma Leadership Conference. More than 115 Six Sigma leaders gathered to network and learn more about how companies are “Leveraging Lean and Traditional Six Sigma to Optimize Business Process Delivery.” Mike Kirby, Deputy Under Secretary of the […]

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Belt Mania


I’ve been having some conversations about belts with my colleagues. Officially, we have “Lean Green Belts” (learn Lean Six Sigma basics, facilitate Lean Kaizen events) and “Six Sigma Black Belts” (know both Lean & Six Sigma, facilitate Lean & Six Sigma projects, coach & mentor Green Belts). We had “Yellow Belts” for a while – […]

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Contact Center Process Owner v. HQ Process Owner


Lean Six Sigma for Contact Centers Once your improvements have implemented, the next step is to ensure sustainability of your results through tools like the Control plan & FMEA.To ensure a smooth transitionto your Contact Center Process Owner, the black/green belt should takea more hands-on approach than one may be used to in the transactional […]

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Six Sigma In Small Business


This could be you! Are you a small or medium-sized business that’s seen great results with Six Sigma or process improvement tools? Do you rely on “Six Sigma thinking” to improve the customer experience? We’re looking for a company that would be an inspiration to other small and medium-sized businesses to feature in an article […]

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Free “Lean for Dummies” Book


Wiley Publishing, Inc. was kind enough to send me a few copies of the new Lean for Dummies book, hot off the presses.

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First-Call Resolution by Six Sigma


Part two in a two part series on First-Call Resolution. Read Part one, Inputs Driving Poor First-Call Resolution Here’s how to get started with a Six Sigma project: Step 1. Define: Conduct an information-seeking drill-down with SME’s (Subject Matter Experts) who are proven resources in the center. This can help determine the objective and scope […]

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Gold Diggers Strike Six Sigma Vein


Meridian Gold finds and produces gold with its mining operations in Chile as well as a pipeline of exploration projects throughout the Americas. While continuous improvement is nothing new to the El Peñón mine, they recently began using Six Sigma in their Operational Excellence initiative: Edgar Smith, Meridian’s Vice President of Operations, commented, “I am […]

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Inputs Driving Poor First-Call Resolution


Part one in a two part series on First-Call Resolution For most contact centers, nearly one-third of inbound calls are repeat callers who weren’t satisfied the first time, and more often than not, the antiquated switches that contact centers leverage, just do not do that great of a job reporting on the true FCR (First-Call […]

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Six Sigma Easter Basket – Got Eggs?


Ever wonder what kind of eggs would be found in a Six Sigma easter basket? Here’s what I say . . . Eggs-ceptional teams Eggs-citing projects Eggs-ponential ROI Eggs-traordinary improvements Eggs-hilarating challenges Eggs-treme customer satisfaction Hope your Six Sigma easter basket is filled with Eggs-actly what you need. Happy Easter!

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Mission Impossible


After last year’s run-in with my broadband provider, here is an equally nonsensical situation encountered with my wireless provider. It highlights another core business issue. My mobile phone (cell phone) broke, so I ordered a new one and it arrived the next day. Handed over the broken phone and started-up the new one. Hold on, […]

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Good vs. Great Black Belts


In a prior post I reflected on desirable attributes for a Black Belt. After mentoring numerous Black Belts I can tell you what makes a good one, however I am wondering if one can statistically quantify a good vs. great belt. Sure, there are tons of metrics that can be used to measure a belt:hard […]

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Online Orientation: Your Dream Come True or Your Next Nightmare?


Nayism 44: “What do you mean by asking my employees to spend an hour doing online Six Sigma orientation? You must be dreaming if you think I can afford to have them away from their job for that amount of time.” Will trying to get this naysayer on board be your next nightmare? How should […]

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Pay for Skills Project-Control Update


Update on Pay for Skills A while back I wrote about a Six Sigma project that focused on implementing a pay for skills initiative. I am happy to say the project has passed through control phase and is currently institutionalized. Validating cross training employees created savings was a little difficult at first.Sure, there were tons […]

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Blogosphere Reader Survey


Here’s your chance to tell us what you think about the iSixSigma Blogosphere.

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Free Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook


I was cleaning up my office today and found two extra copies of The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook written by Michael George, David Rowlands, Mark Price and John Maxey of George Group, published by McGraw-Hill. It’s rated 5 out of 5 on and is a great compendium of every Lean Six Sigma tool […]

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RFID Six Sigma Quality of Service Guarantee


TAGSYS has announced what they are billing as the RFID industry’s first quality of service guarantee for pharmaceutical manufacturers. This new guarantee — what TAGSYS is calling the “Six Sigma Performance Program” — promises fewer than four failures in one million read opportunities in the item-level track-and-trace process. Read their entire Six Sigma guarantee.

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Questions about Six Sigma in outsourced functions


KPMG, the public accounting firm, recently published a survey of outsourcing. Nearly three out of four companies in the survey do not measure the value of their outsourcing arrangements. Yet paradoxically, KPMG concludes outsourcing is working because 89% of their survey participants plan to maintain or increase their use of outsourcing. The survey leads me […]

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Global Process? No Such Thing.


The first business process I ever put together was heavily indebted to Kevin Costner. If I build it, I figured, they will come. And I did build it. A perfect process, polished in every detail. A global process, that everyone involved would adopt. A useful process, that would solve many disparate problems in a foul […]

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Bob Zimering on Textron Six Sigma


Textron released an article last week entitled, Bob Zimering, a Textron Master Black Belt, Discusses Six Sigma at Textron and Responds to Some of the Critics. In the article Bob Zimering does exactly as the title suggests. He responds to the Fortune article where Qualpro said that Six Sigma companies trail in the S&P… Textron’s […]

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Measures of Success


As is well known by all, the Army exists as a non-profit organization. Our motives and measures of success are not around EPS or net profit. We measure mission accomplishment and effectiveness. Our motto is always, “make it happen” or as the cable guys says, “get ’er done.” However we do measure project success in […]

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Tough Nut To Crack


Last week was a difficult week in the office with a number of day-to-day issues going the wrong way. As the week drew to close I found myself feeling low and faced with a 4-hour drive home. On the way home I indulged in some negative brainstorming around people’s job titles e.g. Director of Infuriating […]

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