

What the heck is SigmaLeanZenOut? It is what a lot of people are doing in the world of continuous improvement. No matter where you got started, most companies gradually evolve to SigmaLeanZenOut. Six Sigma deployments add Lean, Kaizen, and then Workout (not necessarily in that order). Lean deployments add Kaizen, Workout then Six Sigma. You […]

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iSixSigma Salary Survey Webcast Recording — Coming Soon


I’ve received a decent number of emails and calls from people who wanted to see our premiere webcast, but couldn’t attend for one reason or another. Rest assured, we will be releasing a recorded version of the webcast soon. We’re still finalizing the recording, landing page, etc. Stay tuned to the iSixSigma Blogosphere for an […]

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Lean? or Mean?


I was privileged to speak at a conference in San Francisco last weekend, sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Pathology. The topics focused on leadership in the clinical (medical) laboratory. After giving a presentation on 6S, I served asa panel member for questions submitted from the audience. One of the questions asked, “What can […]

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850+ Registered So Far — iSixSigma’s Premiere Webcast


In a previous post I mentioned that our webcast tomorrow was heading for a record. Well, as of this morning we’re up to 850 registrants. If you haven’t registered, please do so immediately! Michael Marx, our research manager, will be going over the 5th Annual iSixSigma Global Six Sigma Salary Survey and highlighting some […]

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The iPod Did Not Come From a Focus Group


“Innovation comes from the producer – not from the customer.” -W Edwards Deming   In the course of teaching Kano Analysis to green belts and others, I frequently talk about the difficulty in uncovering delighters or excitement needs, as the customer often cannot articulate these at an actionable level. Or in other words, “The iPod […]

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Oh no – not a label! Too bad. Whether you like it or not, you are being labeled – or branded – every day. Regardless of whether your company brands themselves and markets this brand or does nothing, your customers have already put a brand on you. Think about it. What comes to mind when […]

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Largest Six Sigma Webcast in History?


Well, we might be getting close to the largest Six Sigma Webcast in history! If you haven’t seen Michael Marx’s previous post, iSixSigma is planning our premiere webcast event next Tuesday, March 4. It will be given by Michael (research manager for iSixSigma and iSixSigma Magazine) and feature his insights and explanations for salaries around […]

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Speaking of Six Sigma


When I’m asked to do a presentation, for corporate training or national conferences, I always try to present in a style that reflects how we practice lean six sigma. How do you gain buy-in in any change process? By having the group participate in the discussion or decision! So, I add interactive segments into my […]

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Reflection: A hotel worker and a customer


It’s been awhile since my last blog posting… much time was spent managing my home renovation project. It’s now completed, I can sit down and ‘do my things’. I started blogging (my own blogsite) Six Sigma in April 2007 with the intention of staying in touch with the subject matter and also to learn certain […]

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Six Sigma . . . Still Growing After All These Years


I recently spoke at a Lean Six Sigma Conference for Services hosted by the American Strategic Management Institute (ASMI). One of the morning speakers started her presentation by taking a quick survey. She went around the room and asked everyone three questions . . . What industry are you from? How long has your company […]

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Six Sigma Salary Webcast


Mark your calendars… Tuesday March 4th, at 11 a.m. Eastern… The iSixSigma Global Salary Survey webcast. Attendance is free of charge. Just register to attend with your name and an email address. I’ll be your host along with Brad Hopper of Spotfire. Together we’ll dive into the Fifth Annual iSixSigma Global Salary Survey. This year we’ve […]

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Is a Wait Always a Waste???


In healthcare, we are definitely trying to speed things up for our patients. Billboards around our area (and maybe, around the country) promise 30 minute door-to-doc time in their Emergency Departments (EDs). One promises no waiting to be seen by a healthcare professional! Mini-offices are springing up in chain pharmacies, promising no waiting for minor […]

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Ron Pereira, One Piece Flow Video


LSS Academy’s Ron Pereira goes live with his first vlog (video blog). In this video Ron walks us through a “one piece flow” versus “mass production” simulation to showdifferences between the two approaches. Today with his first vlog, Ron also relaunched Lean Six Sigma Academy with the added functionality of a web 2.0 site. Take a minute […]

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Banking on Risk


Reacting to the last several months of turmoil in the capital markets, I want to discuss an area where Lean Six Sigma professionals who work in banking and financial services should focus their attention, acquire new skills, and start having an impact –?? enterprise risk. A couple of years ago, one of my former colleagues […]

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The SBTI Show


The SBTI Show is the new and improved SBTI Lean Six Sigma Podcast. Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, Inc. is a forerunner in Six Sigma consulting firms that use the web to educate and instruct the masses in the ways of Six Sigma. The SBTI Show is a collection of video podcasts that you can listen to […]

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Execution: The Missing E


Effectiveness = Quality * Acceptance * Execution   I originally learned this equation during Green Belt training as Effectiveness (of Solution) = Quality * Acceptance, and it immediately resonated with me. In order to produce the most effective solution to a given problem, the solution had to be of high quality, and it had to […]

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Schofield Media Group Announces Acquisition of CTQ Media, iSixSigma


I am pleased and excited to announce that CTQ Media, owner of the publishing brands including iSixSigma, Real Innovation, BPM Enterprise and Sourcingmag, is on the verge of a new era of growth and expansion.

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Customer Satisfaction: Is it overrated?


Think about this: when was the last time you told someone about an experience that met your expectations. Perhaps it was an adequate dinner while on the road, or a satisfactory hotel stay. Now think about the last time your expectations either weren’t met at all, or were wildly exceeded. How many people did you […]

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Continuously Improving Continuous Improvement


I just spent three days at IQPC’s 2008 Lean Six Sigma and Process Improvement Summit where more than 600 process improvement professionals came together to learn, share and network. In addition to getting a “booster shot” from Jack Welch, it was great hearing other professionals share their thoughts and experiences about how they have applied […]

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Book Review: Six Sigma? Glad You Asked


Gianna Clark has been blogging for iSixSigma for over two years. She’s written nearly 80 posts speaking her mind. What’s on Gianna’s mind also happens to be good Six Sigma sense, excellent advice, and plenty of good fun. Outside the iSixSigma Blogosphere, Gianna is the Deployment Leader for Dominion and was recently awarded Deployment Leader […]

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Over my career I have taken many personality & skill tests. For example, I know my Myers Briggs Indicator Type, mapped myself across the Insight Discovery Wheel, discovered my rating on the Management Assessment of Proficiency, found the next number in the sequence, found the wrong shaped shape and generally been tested in every conceivable […]

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Getting There From Here


It is the aim of most Continuous Improvement programs to transform the organization. Six Sigma usually attempts to do this in one of two ways: By taking top-down approach, wherein the end state of transformation is articulated and communicated by organizational leaders, and stages and activities of the transformation are painted only in very broad […]

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Networking “Orlando” Style


Networking, by definition, is a supportive system of sharing information among individuals or groups having a common interest. Next week, IQPC is hosting one of the biggest networking opportunities of the year. It’s the 2008 Lean Six Sigma & Process Improvement Summit. This year hundreds of process improvement professionals will converge in sunny Florida to make […]

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Textron CEO on Six Sigma


USA Today reporter Del Jones interviews Textron CEO Lewis Campbell. This is an outstanding Q&A session with a CEO who knows Six Sigma. Finally, a mainsteam media outlet that goes right to the source for information about the success of Six Sigma. Nine tough questions, nine solid answers. I especially liked the final question about […]

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