Sensei Certification?


A lot of my conversations recently have centered around certification for lean. Coming from colleagues who started in Six Sigma as a Green Belt or Black Belt, it seems “natural” that when you add lean facilitation to your skills, you could get certified in lean, too. But, as I understand it, the traditional path for […]

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iSixSigma Accepting Award Nominations


Breaking news…iSixSigma Live! Summit and Awards is now accepting award nominations. That’s right. You can nominate people, companies and projects for one of the many award categories: Six Sigma Hall of Fame Best Places to Work Most Successful Lean Six Sigma Start-up or Re-energized Lean Six Sigma Program Largest-Breakthrough Improvement Projects (in eight categories) Additionally […]

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Take me out to the Gemba


By popular demand, words to an old favorite tune that you can use while watching the Major League Baseball All-Star Game, at the Seventh-Inning Stretch: Take me out to the Gemba Take me out to the flow! Find me a Value Stream I can track I don’t want wasteto evercome back! For it’s root, root, […]

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Lean: Your Proverbial ‘Boot In The Door’


I have recently completed a ‘Five S’ (see isixsigma dictionary) on a materials procurement process, and have had the most buy in this year for process improvement. Why? Because especially ‘Sort’ is simple for all to understand, it’s basically an organised spring clean You leave your FIRST meeting with a plan of action that can […]

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Getting a Clue with Queuing Theory


I often find real world examples of process “improvements” staring me blatantly in the face. For example, I stumbled upon queuing theory in action at the local movie theatre. Queuing theory is the study of how lines (or queues) are formed and dissipate over time. Examples of queues are everywhere: traffic at an intersection, restaurant […]

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Cargo Cults


I can’t remember the first time I head the concept of a “Cargo Cult” used as a business analogy. But I can recall thinking that it was a powerful way to explain the dangers of throwing money and resources around trying to duplicate what another company had done without really taking the time to understand […]

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The Best Place to Work


Do you work for a great Six Sigma company? If you think your company is one of the best places for Six Sigma folks to work, nominate them to participate in iSixSigma’s Best Places to Work competition. In a nutshell, we’re looking for places (companies, government organizations, associations, nonprofits) that: * Foster a supportive culture […]

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Return to Sender


In 1660 King Charles 2nd officially established the General Post Office by act of parliament. In 1840 the first adhesive stamp, the penny black, was introduced. There’s a fair degree more history I skipped because I want to talk about a recent innovation. Pricing in Proportion was launched on the poor unsuspecting customer in 2006. […]

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I had the privilege recently of helping to teach lean to a group of university leaders. I had great fun assisting with the first day of class, when we introduced basic lean concepts. However, when my instructing partner and I looked at our plus-deltas from the day (comments about what the participants valued, and what […]

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Six Sigma Meets IT at McKesson


Last Week, Ben Worthen, of The Wall Street Journal, interviewed Randall Spratt, chief information officer at McKesson Corp. McKesson was one of the pioneer healthcare companies to use Six Sigma, starting in 1999 and still going strong today. In the interview Spratt talked about how the use of Six Sigma and technology are making operations […]

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Malaysia’s Fuel Price Hike


Last Thursday, 5th June, the Malaysian Government revamped its petrol subsidy system by increasing petrol prices by a steep 41%, from USD0.58 (RM1.92) a liter to USD0.83 (RM2.70). It is low if you guys look at it in US currency, but in Malaysian Ringgit terms it’s a spike in cost of living. Public expectation here […]

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Leadership: Right tools, Centered source


Tools are wonderful. Have you ever tried to unscrew a Phillips head screw with a wrench? Of course not. The right tool is critical to the job. Six Sigma tools are a wonderful technological advance that can transform an organization when used in the correct context. This is undisputable. Resistance is futile. But the ability […]

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Six Sigma – The Real Deal


Deploy – Integrate – Sustain – Institutionalize. Although each phase has distinct qualities, the lines between them are blurred or almost seamless – as it should be. I’m often asked what I think “institutionalization” looks like. My response: “Unconscious application.” By that, I don’t mean asleep at the wheel. When addressing an audience I typically use the following […]

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Looking for Inspiration


Our Lean Manufacturing program is stepping-up a gear and as part of this we are looking to present the approach to a large audience of about 200 people. And I am looking for some inspiration. If anyone has a good ice-breaker, simulation, case study or other activity that would take about 30 minutes and engage […]

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You don’t have to read much of the daily paper, in the US at least, to see datapresented in very interesting ways. “Gas price SKYROCKETS to $4 a gallon!” “The Dow Jones Industrial Average PLUMMETS to 12,500!” “Pistons [Basketball Team] Have the EDGE Now!” “Kid Obesity Rate STEADY” Now, part of the reason for this […]

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Hard Reality


The Adam Smith Institute has set June 2nd as UK Tax Freedom Day. This means we spend more than 5 months each year working for the government. How do we spend what’s left? Our gasoline is currently £1.23 per litre (that’s $9.15 a US gallon). If you avoid the car then our train prices are […]

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Picking Fruit the Six Sigma Way


Any seasoned Lean Six Sigma professional can tell you about the fruit tree of quality. At the bottom of the tree there is fruit festering on the ground which represents “just do it” kaizen and bare bones problem solving. As you move up the tree, you can begin to pick the low hanging fruit by […]

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The Great Discovery, Mikel Harry


2008 ISSSP Leadership Conference, Day One A few quotes and thoughts from Michael Harry’s presentation, The Great Discovery. What is your life dream? Have we lost the dream in Six Sigma? The power of dreams is unbelievable. Belief in a dream united Motorola. That dream was Six Sigma. Six Sigma Timeline: 1980s: Quality Improvement 1990s: […]

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David Wickersham, President and COO Seagate


2008 ISSSP Leadership Conference, Day One “Best practices need to continue to improve.” David’s presentation coveredthe Seagate Business Excellence Journey over the past 10 years highlighting some of the things they’ve learned. One of the best practices David is particularly proud of is the training curriculum. They have gone from traditional classroom training over a […]

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Pinnacle Peak Hiking


Wake up to Life Hike, ISSSP Leadership Conference 5:00 AM 5:15 AM -the lively passengers The Rowdy Back Row! The “fast” group Pinnacle Peak The whole gang

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Who’s Your Jack Welch?


I was privileged recently to attend the American Society for Quality’s World Conference in Houston, TX. What an energetic gathering of quality-minded people! One topic thatI heard a lot of conversation about was concern for leadership of Lean and Six Sigma. There were many stories shared of new deployments, attempted deployments, and failed deployments. One […]

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Looking for iSixSigma Live 2009 Summit Sessions and Ideas (And Speakers)


I’ve received a few requests from people interested in presenting at our upcoming premiere iSixSigma Live Summit. Who doesn’t want to get to warm Miami during January 2009, stick their toes in the sand, enjoy the luxury of Trump International’s five-star hotel and resort, learn more than you have in two days since you started […]

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To QFD or C andamp; E when defining the VOC


For defining the ’VOC’ (Voice of the Customer), I typically use a QFD (Quality Factor Diagram) — Of recent, I have found that QFD’s can be hard to understand for some, while even more painful for belts to explain to others. If you find this to be the case, there are 3 tools used sequentially […]

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Innovation and Six Sigma


There has been a lot of ink spilled lately dithering about Six Sigma and Innovation. Most of it by naysayers who feel that Six Sigma is antithetical to Innovation, or zealots who feel some version of the opposite sentiment. For the life of me, I can’t wrap my mind around either position. To illustrate my […]

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