Photos of iSixSigma Live! Denver


Jeannine Hall and I returned home from the wild night out in Denver last night. The Social and Networking Party in downtown Denver was a success: people met, mingled, ate, drank and made new friends. Over 100 Denver-ites registered for this event, and we hope to have even more the next time. Thanks to our […]

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The L Word


That would be “Leadership.” I’ve been given a definition of leadershipthat I’d like to discuss with you and ask your opinion about. The question that was posed to me was, “What is a leader?” I gave what I thought was a pretty good response – about having a vision, bringing people along in the direction […]

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Back to Basics


It is funny how such a small gesture can make a big difference. Just the fact that I am talking about it four days later lets you know what an impression it made (net promoter score will be high on this one).

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iSixSigma MVP Awards


Here’s some news you may not have heard yet… iSixSigma will be serving up some sweet awards at a breakfast ceremony during the iSixSigma Live! Miami conference. All the details on each award can be found at: The iSixSigma MVP awards are my favorites… We’re looking for the: Most prolific poster on iSixSigma discussion […]

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iSixSigma Live! Denver – 2 Spots Remaining


If you live in the Denver, Colorado, area or are planning to be in town next Thursday, 9/25, be sure to make your way over to the Tabor Center for the iSixSigma Live! Social and Networking Party in Denver. Only 2 RSVP spots remain, so don’t delay — sign up today. Our first Social and […]

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Team Dynamics for College Seniors


I have the privilege this semester of teaching a “Professional Practice” class for college seniors in Clinical Laboratory Science. These arethe folks who will be doing (among other things) any blood tests that you may have drawn in a doctor’s office, hospital, or health fair. Since I had input into the curriculum, I decided to […]

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Six Sigma Laundering


There’s been quite a bit of Six Sigma laundering going on these days…Gianna’s post, Dirty Socks, Ron Pereira’s posts, Laundy Kaizen and How to Fold a T-Shirt in Two Motions, and now we have this video segment from MSNBC. Northeast Laundromat owners Leonard and Jennifer Cooperman, in St. Petersburg Florida, were the recipients of MSNBC’s […]

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Thinking Ahead


One of the central problems all organizations face is balancing long term thinking with short terms needs. It is clear that time and resources need to be devoted to both; companies that live moment to moment don’t survive very long, while those that focus on the big picture without worrying about the details usually don’t […]

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iSixSigma Live! Seattle Video


If you haven’t had a chance to view our latest video of the iSixSigma Live! Social and Networking Party in Seattle, here’s your chance: If you attended, be sure to forward this page to your friends and ask them to see if they can spot you! 🙂 The photo gallery fromiSixSigma Live! Seattle is also available.

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For a hobby last year I started making cider (hard cider in the US). Below are some of the demijohns of apple juice I fermented. I cracked open a finished bottle and it looked & smelt great, but the taste…. it was insipid, slightly acidic and low in alcohol. Not good. Being in the business […]

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5S Your Email Outbox


After reading my last post, 5S Your Email Inbox, a couple of colleagues asked whether they could apply 5S to sending emails as well. Here are the guidelines that I use – I’m sure others have their methods, too, so feel free to share your own best practices! SORT 1. Ask yourself, does the recipient really […]

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Houston, TX Lean and Six Sigma Pros Unite!


There will be a Lean and Six Sigma meeting in Houston, TX, on Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 5:30 PM. Tom Tatevasion of Cameron will host the event. Tom will provide an overview of the group, a tour of the Cameron Compression Systems facility, and discuss their Lean Six Sigma program. If you live in […]

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5S Your Email Inbox


I love to open my business email inbox in the morning, don’t you? Especially if you’ve been practicing good work-life balance and haven’t peeked at it since the end of business the day before. When I go on vacation, it’s a special treat. Here’s a 5S strategy that I have used to keep up with […]

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Flawed Tie-breaking Rule at Olympics Costs U.S. Gymnast a Gold Medal


An arbitrary and statistically flawed tie-breaking rule cost Nastia Liukin of the United States the gold medal in the women’s uneven bars competition at the Olympics earlier this month, according to Dr. Prasad Raje, CEO of Instantis. After looking at the tied scores of gymnasts Liukin and He Kexin of China, Raje figures that Liukin […]

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If Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Prioritized Projects…


Whichprioritized projects would Peter Piper pick? I’ve been asked to speak about project selection at an upcoming symposium. In doing research for this,I’ve reviewed articlesfrom iSixSigma and other sources, from both the Six Sigma “ranked project hopper” perspective and the Lean A3 – strategic deployment perspective. And I’ve done some project-picking in my time, too, […]

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iSixSigma Wants You!


A year ago iSixSigma Magazine featured the U.S. Army’s business transformation program in a cover story, recognizing the change management efforts and project successes from one of the largest Lean Six Sigma deployments ever attempted. Since then, ties between the U.S. armed forces and Lean Six Sigma have only gotten stronger. In May 2008, Deputy […]

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Gage M&M


The good folks at Minitab just released a sweet little article about using M&M’s to teach statistics. It’s called Sweetening Statistics and is written by Michelle Paret and Eston Martz. If you’ve been through traditional classroom Black Belt training you’ve probably already done these exercises yourself as they have been a part of the traditional […]

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Small Change Big Impact


Across the globe food prices are rising rapidly. The potential causes are many including big ticket issues like rising demand in emerging markets, oil prices, bio fuels, trade tariffs, global warming, population growth and tight supplies. With all that lot stacked-up its no wonder that prices are going up. Big problems call for big solutions […]

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The Rest of the Story . . .


Customer complaints, appropriately captured and analyzed, can provide useful insight about process defects.

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Creativity and Lean Process Analysis


This morning as I read Sue Kozlowski’s blog about her husband and the “common sense” factor of lean six-sigma process analysis, I decided to apply this thinking to a recent experience at work. Are there work environments where process analysis should not be applied? Where common sense is the standard? Here is my thought process. […]

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Being Right


There are countless business books out there that present good reasons why it is not necessary to be 100% right all the time. Beyond being unnecessary, I think being completely right is highly over-rated in the context of business. Being 80% right and good at executing is probably more than sufficient in most cases. Not […]

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Survey: Six Sigma Project Failure


iSixSigma Magazine’s latest research survey is live! This survey dives into the deep pool of Six Sigma project failure. What does “failure” mean? You tell us what project failure means at your company. Is it when a Six Sigma project fails to deliver the expected improvements? Fails to get completed, or fails to stay in […]

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Dirty Socks


I have heard people say that once you have experienced the power of Lean Six Sigma that you will never be the same. I can vouch for that. Process thinking and waste elimination will begin to infiltrate every part of your life – including how you do laundry.

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Save $700 With iSixSigma Live Pre-Agenda Rate


You already know that the iSixSigma community is strong — over 500,000. You may have heard that we’ve launched a conference division. What you may not have heard is that our upcoming January conference will be unlike any other you have attended. Outstanding content. Prestigious keynotes. Unrivaled networking and community. Register today to get your […]

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