(Waste) Walk on the Wild Side


Ina recent blog post, I mentioned a Waste Walk – and got a few queries about what that is. I see that I have assumed that everyone’s lean toolkit has the same tools, so I apologize for my assumption! Here’s some more information. Most lean approaches use a list of7 or 8 wastes to describe […]

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Customer Focus


We have all heard a lot about “customer focus” in our work. But what does it really mean? How much has “bringing customer focus to the organization” helped you change the culture and improve the long-term performance of the business? What has been your customer’s response to it? Lean Six Sigma has brought more concrete […]

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‘Whatta They Got That I Ain’t Got?”


I teach a full-day workshop called “Lean Boot Camp.” It’s an introduction to small-scope projects and tools, the kind you can do as a beginner like 5S and a Waste Walk. I use a phrase that I picked up somewhere: “The lean approach is simply having the ability to see waste, and the courage to […]

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Training Trends


Which delivery method of Six Sigma training do you prefer? How have curriculums been changing? What’s working – and what isn’t? Participate in a short iSixSigma survey on Six Sigma Training to find out. The results will be published in the July/August issue of iSixSigma Magazine. As a token of our appreciation for participating, we will […]

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Lead Time vs. Cycle Time


Lead Time and Cycle Time are two important metrics in Lean and process improvement in general. However, many people do not seem to understand the difference and their relationship. In fact, many use them interchangeably. This can lead to confusion in understanding the true problems in a process, and worse, poor decisions in process improvement. […]

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I’ve participated in a lot of projects where one of the first questions is: How are our competitors doing it? Are there any benchmarks or nationally-recognized “best practices?” While this may give a team a sense of security, or help to push stretch goals, sometimes I think it stifles creativity. If we are developing, or […]

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Six Sigma: Misunderstood


I recently read a blog on GE Healthcare’s website. http://nextlevel.gehealthcare.com/cost/a-child-of-our-own.php Although the general idea of needing better ways to improve healthcare systems is valid, I cannot agree with the underlying interpretation of what Lean and Six Sigma are. It seems to me many people view Lean and Six Sigma as 1. tools for solving specific […]

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Chain of Command and Its Effect on Empowering Employees


Lean Six Sigma has special challenges in organizations that have a military styled rank structures. I have personally experienced this as a Representative of a law enforcement agency and as a military guardsman. Recently, I have had the good fortune of making the acquaintance of Retired Colonel Billy Asbell, former Director for the Air National […]

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What’s in your leadership toolbox? Is it enough?


Supervisors never “earn” the privilege to be disrespectful to subordinates simply because they have achieved a higher rank. This can be an indication that they have been promoted beyond their ability to lead and digress to using intimidation as a resource to get things done. If you find yourself using positional authority to get things […]

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How I Became a Black Belt


Lean Six Sigma is still fairly new to the R&D people in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, where I have been supporting its deployment. Often people ask me “What is Lean Six Sigma?” and “How did you become a Black Belt from a scientist?” I used to give a textbook answer to the first question […]

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The People Behind Six Sigma Culture


iSixSigma often focuses on the continuous process improvement methods used by companies to achieve bottom-line results. However, for much of our March/April 2010 issue, published last week, we look not just at the processes but also at the at the professionals behind the methodology. In keeping with this issue’s theme, “Building a Process Improvement Culture,” […]

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Call Me Aesop


If you are engaged in teaching, whether formally in classes or informally as you facilitate projects, you probably have a few favorite sayings that you like to use toremind people of important points. I take my blog title today from the ancient teacher Aesop, who liked to close his fables (usually stories with animal characters) […]

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Highlights from the 2009 Energy Forum


At the iSixSigma Live! 2009 Energy Forum for Process Excellence, leaders from across the energy industry shared how they are implementing process improvement efforts at their organizations. Some common questions and lessons learned – about methodology, implementation and benefits – came up over the course of the three-day event. Here are a few highlights. Combining […]

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Culture Change at Cameron


Again and again, culture change comes up as one of the most important aspects of a successful Six Sigma deployment. Yet effecting culture change is one of the most difficult parts to master. Almost 50 percent of respondents to a 2007 iSixSigma survey said their company was far from achieving its desired culture change (“Organizational […]

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Lean Six Sigma: What’s in it for me?


As practitioners, we think Lean Six Sigma is an integral part of our life. But how can we help others see its value? This is a crucial step to building and sustaining a Lean Six Sigma culture. One thing I learned through the Lean Six Sigma deployment is that people have to be personally motivated […]

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DoD to Focus on Four Improvement Areas During Convention


Leaders from across the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and various agencies and activities, will gather Oct. 22 to 23, 2008 in Washington, D.C., to discuss the state of the department’s Lean Six Sigma deployment. The event, named the Breakthrough Convention and produced by iSixSigma Live! is an […]

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2004 Six Sigma Salary Survey: Worldwide


iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals: Worldwide This section of iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals provides an overview of the average salaries worldwide. Salaries for Black Belts (BB), Master Black Belts (MBB), Champions (CH) and Deployment Leaders (DL) are broken down by levels of education and experience, as well as […]

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2004 Six Sigma Salary Survey: U.S./Canada


iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals: U.S./Canada This section of iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals provides an overview of the average salaries in United States/Canada. Salaries for Black Belts (BB), Master Black Belts (MBB), Champions (CH) and Deployment Leaders (DL) are broken down by levels of education and experience, as […]

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Six Sigma: A Global Affair, Exclusive iSixSigma Magazine Research


Six Sigma: A Global Affair – Exclusive iSixSigma Magazine Research Six Sigma is being practiced all across the globe. With more than 190 countries in the world and even more cultures, the likelihood that deployments would enjoy a local flavor is high. This study looks at aspects of a deployment from a geographical perspective. While […]

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2004 Six Sigma Salary Survey: Europe


iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals: Europe This section of iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals provides an overview of the average salaries in Europe. Salaries for Black Belts (BB), Master Black Belts (MBB), Champions (CH) and Deployment Leaders (DL) are broken down by levels of education and experience, as well […]

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ISSSP Session: Innovation and Six Sigma Go Hand in Hand


Corporate innovation and Six Sigma go hand in hand if the methodology is fully utilized. That was the conclusion of participants in a lively discussion at the International Society of Six Sigma Professionals (ISSSP) conference in June.

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2004 Six Sigma Salary Survey: Asia/Africa


iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals: Continental Asia/Africa This section of iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals provides an overview of the average salaries in Continental Asia/Africa. Salaries for Black Belts (BB), Master Black Belts (MBB), Champions (CH) and Deployment Leaders (DL) are broken down by levels of education and experience, […]

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2004 Six Sigma Salary Survey: Pacific Nations


iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals: Pacific Nations This section of iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals provides an overview of the average salaries in Pacific Nations (Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Pacific islands). Salaries for Black Belts (BB), Master Black Belts (MBB), Champions (CH) and Deployment Leaders (DL) are broken down by […]

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The Global Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals


iSixSigma’s 2004 Salary Survey for Six Sigma Professionals has two unique perspectives. First, the survey provides a global view. Second, unlike other quality salary surveys, this one is focused as specifically as possible on Six Sigma professionals. By Matthew LeVeque, iSixSigma Senior Contributing Writer During the past 10 years Six Sigma has become one of […]

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