Category: Six Sigma Methodology

Where did the name "Six Sigma" come from?
Published:In my recollection, two recurring questions have dominated the field of six sigma. The first inquiry can be described by the global question: “Why 6s and not some other level of capability?” The second inquiry is more molecular. It can be summarized by the question: “Where does the 1.5s shift factor come from – and […]
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A good number of management systems are available in addition to Six Sigma. Can a company survive with only one?
Published:Today, very few corporate executives believe that TQM is a viable system of business management. To this point, a 1996 study titled “Measuring Performance After Meeting Award Criteria” was published in Quality Progress magazine. The conclusions were quite apparent – the impact of TQM practices may not be nearly as significant as some think. After […]
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How significant is benchmarking in an overall Six Sigma approach?
Published:I assume that you are referring to the “quantitative” variety. In this regard, I believe that benchmarking is a highly valuable activity. For example, consider the “sigma-tizing” of a business. Let us suppose a certain corporation discovers that it is a 3.5 sigma business. Now suppose that the same company finds one of its competitors […]
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What are the merits and demerits of integrating Six Sigma with Theory Of Constraints, benchmarking and Lean technologies?
Published:The attempted integration of Six Sigma with other technologies is quite natural, although often unsuccessful. Perhaps it is only instinctive that people try to blend the benefits of several different approaches into a single entity (per se). After all, such a thing is seemingly quite rational. More to the point, it is often believed that […]
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Is there a generalized form of Six Sigma that can be applied to every organization that wants to improve their process quality?
Published:A central aspect of six sigma is an eight-step approach for achieving dramatic improvement at different levels of the business. The process is given by the acronym RDMAICSI – Recognize, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control, Standardize, and Integrate. As a short cut, many just apply DMAIC. At a top management level, it functions as a […]
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Can you explain how Six Sigma can apply to reducing invoicing errors and improving payment to suppliers?
Published:I know this may seem somewhat self-evident, but have you considered doing a simple literature review to answer your own question? So much is out there on the Internet – the available information is like water drops in a world-wide rainstorm. At this point in the life cycle of Six Sigma, a great many people […]
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The theory of complexity states that creativity balances order and chaos. To maintain creativity in Six Sigma, how can address this balance?
Published:Metaphysically speaking, I cannot (and will not) argue with your assertions. Perhaps the transitional state between order and chaos (i.e., the point of bifurcation) necessarily constitutes a stage for heightened creativity. However, scientifically speaking, I do believe that chaos theory and fractal geometry can be effectively employed to examine the effects of unstable processes on […]
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Why is it so hard to apply Six Sigma to the oil and gas industry?
Published:It is quite interesting that you find Six Sigma to be “very difficult” in terms of application. Typically, such a perspective is fairly common among those who have had limited exposure to or experience with Six Sigma. Either you have convinced yourself that Six Sigma is very difficult (to deploy, implement, and apply), or someone […]
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What are the differences between Lean and Six Sigma, how do their core values intersect, and what tools are common?
Published:In terms of Lean vs. Six Sigma, only time will tell. Although there exists natural points of intersection, there are also points of incompatibility – philosophically and pragmatically speaking. I would strongly suggest that you conduct a literature review into the stated issue so as to properly scale the scope and depth of an answer. […]
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What should be measured in the Measure phase of Six Sigma DMAIC?
Published:Measure what leads to success.
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Is the process approach to quality mangement is important in Six Sigma?
Published:Essentially, the idea of a “process” is to “Six Sigma” as the idea of “teaching” is to “knowledge.” Perhaps Martin Luther King, Jr. best summed it when he stated: “Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.” Not only is the process approach important, it is what under girds the […]
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I have a great deal of data but don’t know where to start on my Green Belt project. What do you suggest?
Published:Get the book “Six Sigma for Everyone” by George Eckes, John Wiley and Sons 2003. It does a very nice job of outlining what to do and provides some really good tools. Seems like a good book for green belts. To extend beyond the aforementioned book, let us come to understand the importance of properly […]
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How can Six Sigma be extended to the maintenance field to enhance our machine Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF??
Published:As you likely know, equipment uptime (as well as downtime) is very much akin to product reliability engineering. Many of the same concepts, equations, and methods are commonly shared. Given this, it should be interesting to note that Six Sigma found its genetic roots in the field of reliability engineering. As some of the more […]
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Is Six Sigma just as valid for service providers as it is for manufacturers?
Published:So as to better appreciate the spirit and intent of our ensuing discussion, we must call upon the nature and purpose of two recognized entities – the US Postal Service and Ford Motor Company. If we were to contrast these organizations, how would they appear to be similar? How would they appear to be dissimilar? […]
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What is the difference between Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma?
Published:Lean Sigma might be an anorexic standard deviation. If this is true, then Lean Six Sigma is probably the linear sum of six anorexic sigmas. I would imagine that a healthy diet, mental exercise, and less greed would improve the current trend. That’s the funny thing about people with anorexia – they truly believe “skinnier […]
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How can Six Sigma be applied in a software development?
Published:There is a clear tendency among many new comers to Six Sigma. That tendency is to artificially and unwittingly limit the scope of Design-For-Six-Sigma (DFSS) to the configuration of hardware-based products and processes. As a result, it is currently common to equate DFSS with such fields of practice as engineering and manufacturing, which have their […]
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Is there a standard exit document/checklist in template form that provides a step-by-step process to follow during project close-out that ensures all control steps are in place?
Published:I am not aware of a “standardized” exit document (in template form) that is related to the closeout of deliverables. Of course, corporations often create such devices to serve their own internal needs, but are not usually postured to publicly share the resulting intellectual property. I would suggest that you post this question on the […]
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How do you apply Six Sigma in a small factory?
Published:Same as a big factory, but in a small way.
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What is the relationship between Six Sigma and the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for software development?
Published:Based on the nature of your question, I would assume you are referencing the “Capability Maturity Model Integration” system and “Capability Maturity Model”, or CMMI and CMM, respectively. My understanding is that CMM is a generalized model for judging or otherwise assessing the maturity of software processes. In addition, it is a means for identifying […]
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What is the relationship between Six Sigma and Management Information Systems (MIS)?
Published:At the onset of this discussion, it is vital that we establish the basic nature and character of a “Management Information System.” According to G. Davis and M. Olson in the publication “Management Information Systems” (1984, p. 5-6): “There is no consensus of the definition of the term ‘management information system’…” In fact, these highly […]
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How can Six Sigma be applied in an organization that designs, manufactures, assembles and presure tests oil drilling equipment?
Published:You apply Six Sigma in the same way as any other business enterprise. In general, this means you must implement Six Sigma on a project-by-project basis. Generically speaking, Y=f(X) and the only thing that changes from situation-to-situation is the variable labels, transfer function, rate of replication, cost-per-transaction, and faces of the players. Other than that, […]
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Is there any difference in DMAIC between manufacturing and service companies? What about in different functions in the internal organization?
Published:As we consider the DMAIC process, it is important to bear in mind the fundamental principle of determinism: Y = f (X). Of course, Y is the outcome variable and X is the many variables that induce Y to exist. For any given problem-solving situation, we are behooved to recognize how DMAIC relates to Y […]
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Is there a difference between Six Sigma and "robust design"?
Published:Where the engineering of quality is concerned, Dr. G. Taguchi popularized the idea of “robustness” in the mid 80’s. As one might suspect, the underlying definition of this term is fairly simple – per the dictionary, it is the ability to recover from unexpected [and expected] conditions during operation. In this sense, the idea of […]
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How can Six Sigma be used to improve “market forcasting,” which is essential for business planning?
Published:Where the idea of “process improvement” is concerned, it is now well understood that Six Sigma can play a most decisive role. Specifically, it can serve to significantly improve the process of market forecasting. For example, consider the instance where an organization attempts to deploy a certain type of ARIMA model from which to forecast […]
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