Category: Metrics

Have government or other not-for-profit organizations benefited from the Six Sigma methodology?
Published:The idea of a not-for-profit organization is eloquently simple – it does not operate for a profit. Some people falsely believe that the very nature of such organizations necessarily implies some type of complexity that prohibits or otherwise precludes its involvement in the world of Six Sigma. When it comes to implementing improvements in not-for-profit […]
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In your original Six Sigma vision there were no career Black Belts, but now there are some. Is this bad?
Published:Personally speaking, I agree with all your points – and many others that are not specifically called out. For example, it is my humble opinion that the recent trend of certifying Black Belts (not excluding Green Belts) has the potential to alienate the various roles of Six Sigma from the pressing needs of a corporation. […]
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I am confused about which institution I should choose for my Black Belt certification. What approach should I use?
Published:Please reference this previous question. This question and answer examines how to select a “good” Six Sigma consultant. In summary, you must consider the consultant’s credentials. In the consulting business, credentials are everything – plain and simple. If a consultant does not have the necessary credentials, they should not be considered (for anything). Following is […]
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Is the implementation of an Six Sigma program worth the investment is a small business?
Published:In terms of a Six Sigma Deployment and Implementation (SSDI), it is a natural tendency for newcomers to infer huge differences between a small and large business. However, it is quite often the case that several “small businesses” defines a larger corporation. From this perspective, the process for installing Six Sigma does not change (in […]
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