Since 2004, Sheriff John Rutherford has being fostering a culture of continuous improvement throughout the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO). With over 3000 employees having received initial roll out training, a full fledged division that bears the continuous improvement title, a dedicated steering committee comprised of top level executives to help ensure every project’s success, and now as part of the JSO Leadership Development Academy. It’s no wonder things are going so well in Jacksonville.
In the years to come, JSO will be dedicating resources towards training the leaders of tomorrow. Topics include Situational Leadership II, Emotional Intelligence, Continuous Improvement philosophies such as LEAN and Six Sigma, as well as demonstrating how each are directly related to the Sheriff’s recurring theme of “can I trust you?” “are you committed to excellence?” and “do you care about me?” This piece is presented by the Sheriff himself. How is that for Lean Leadership?
Many agencies and corporations are focusing on JSO as a leading agency in LEAN thinking. Notice the word “thinking?” Yes, to be part of the culture it needs to be something that is a part of your everyday thought process. LEAN is a way of thinking, not just doing. But, thinking and doing go hand in hand. After all, LEAN has a bias for action..to get people thinking LEAN…start doing LEAN.
Several people have asked me for the slide show that we present during our leadership academy, so I have included it below. Some of the links may be inoperable, but if you read, “It’s Your Ship” by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, you will be able to fill in most of the gaps…enjoy!