It’s that time of the year again. The time of year when we all do a reality check on the job market — or more specifically — on the salaries ofSix Sigma Black Belts, Master Black Belts, Champions and Deployment Leaders. With now being the time of year when yearly bonus checks are being distributed around corporate America, it’s the perfect time to figure out if you should be looking for your next challenge within, or outside of, your current organization.
This year’s iSixSigma Global Six Sigma Salary Survey features the largest quantity of Six Sigma practitioners ever recorded. But the salary survey can only be found in the March/April 2006 issue of iSixSigma Magazine, so be sure to either sign up or request a free trial issue.
And this year we finally settled the question plaguing tens of thousands of aspiring Six Sigma Black Belts around the world: Does Six Sigma certification make an appreciable difference in your salary? We added a couple of fields to our data collection process, and now we can determine what type of certification respondents have, as well as who granted the certification (a company like GE or Motorola, a Six Sigma consulting company, ASQ, etc.).