Changed processes, changed skill sets, changed thinking and changed performance. Six Sigma is all about change.
Passion, defined as “boundless enthusiasm,” is the seed of change. With it, Six Sigma flourishes. Without it, project implementation is a constant struggle. Does your organization have the passion for change that allows processes to bloom to their full potential? Or do you need to constantly re-plant your seeds to harvest enough enthusiasm to move forward?
Change, even on a good day, is difficult. Resistance to change is natural. That is why Belts of all colors should be well versed in change management tools and techniques. A well thought out change plan can go a long way in building a cadre of passionate supporters for your proposed change. The change plan should address methods to create sponsorship, engage all stakeholders early in the process and effectively communicate to all parties involved.
There are numerous change models, websites and books available that describe change management approaches, tools and methods. Both G.E. CAP (Change Acceleration Process) and Prosci’s ADKAR (Awareness – Desire – Knowledge – Ability – Reinforce) are methodologies that nicely complement Six Sigma project work.
If you haven’t integrated change management techniques with your Six Sigma project execution strategy you may want to give it a try. It may be the perfect way to “seed the need” for passion in your organization.