The thing that sets apart “Great Leaders” from “Good Leaders” is the ability to care about others. Great Leaders do not have the luxury of acting on their fight or flight response mechanism. They must constantly be ready to fight at a moments notice, and how they choose to fight can mean the difference in how their followers judge them. It is the most recent actions that others judge the leader, regardless of how the leader judges them self.
In implementing Lean Six Sigma into a health care setting, it is important to be strong ambassadors of change and lead staff into a new era of quality not experienced in health care previously. To do this, the implementers of Lean Six Sigma should remember to follow the following guidelines that will effectively attain buy-in from the staff affected by the implementation as well as ensure that the implementers are accepted as strong leaders in the Lean Six Sigma movement.
Limbic Leadership and Lean
1. Set Clear Standards
a. Focus on the target/goal of the implementation
b. Everyone should be aware and understand the standards
c. Standards should be visual as a reminder to all
d. Constant communication of the standards is essential
e. Keep your eye on the prize
2. Expect the Best and Tolerate nothing less
a. Lead by example
b. Accountability
c. “You get what you expect, and you deserve what you tolerate!”
3. Awareness
a. What’s working and what’s not working
b. Provide individual feedback – positive feedback
4. History
a. Tell stories to inspire
i. Stories of the past, present, and future help to bring together the group.
ii. Shows the group that the leader(s) is attentive and aware
b. Teach Company Standards
5. Recognition
a. Personalize recognition as much as possible – Lets them know “you’re important to the success of the organization”
6. Group Celebration
a. Sense of belonging and sense of community
b. Inspires and motivates
7. Set Examples
a. Express Affection
b. Show vulnerability