Every morning and every evening I walk to and from work.It can go fromcold rainy days (like today!) to balmy summer evenings. I enjoy the exercise and get to watch the changing of the seasons.
For those of you with a statistical bent this is the season to “guess the population distribution”. On my return to work on Jan 2nd, I counted numerous joggers with new gear out pounding the streets. Over that week the numbers appeared to be quite similar. The following week saw a good showing but definitely down on the previous week. Now in the third week of Jan I think we have passed the half-life. Come February it will be back to normal.
I have nothing against joggers and have completed a couple of half-marathons in my time. It’s just interesting to notice as I steadfastly continue my regular journey. A bit like the tortoise and the hare. Look forward to special-cause next year.