is dedicated to providing information about the Six Sigma initiatives at Fortune 500 companies. The author is a Market Research professional currently working in the Six Sigma Consulting Industry. He has nearly 4 years experience tracking the evolution of Six Sigma in companies throughout the world.

Currently, over 40 percent of the Fortune 500 are using Six Sigma to some degree. Over the course of the next year will provide an overview of each company’s Six Sigma program, details on the benefits they are achieving, and relevant articles and links for further reading.

First a few definitions: Each company is defined within a deployment scope. One of the beauties of Six Sigma is that it can be tailored to the individual needs and strategy of a company. This facet has led to many different levels of deployment. Not all companies have followed the GE way – a corporate-driven, top-down approach. Some companies prefer to start out smaller and work their way up to a full scale deployment. The following definitions are used classify the current deployment scope of each company:

  • Corporate– The Six Sigma program is a corporate-wide initiative, fully supported by the CEO and executive team.
  • Business Unit– One or more Business Units are using Six Sigma.
  • Black Belt – This level of deployment simply means that the company is involved in Six Sigma at a fairly small level. They have either trained or hired a small number of Black Belts to work on projects.

You can read all of the articles by viewing Michael Marx’s articles list.

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