The 2005 Fortune 500 is out! I have been anxiously waiting for the new list to perform my annual ritual of updating my Six Sigma Fortune list with the new rankings. I have been keeping tabs on Six Sigma in the Fortune 500 since 2001 when Wal-Mart was #2 wedged between Exxon and GM.
Wal-Mart has achieved a Fortune Fourpeat holding on to the #1 spot and coveted title, America’s Largest Company. Cincinnati Financial jumped four to claim the namesake and final spot of the 500.
The First and the Last and everything in between make up nearly 8.25 Trillion Dollars in revenues. That kind of money would cover the US National Debt with only 500 Billion in change.
At least 40% of the 2005 Fortune 500 are actively engaged in improving their business through Six Sigma. I say “at least” because some companies no doubt use Six Sigma tools in their efforts but do not mention it in their annual reports. So here’s to the 2005 Fortune 500, may Six Sigma find it’s way into the DNA of them all… and may I have the time to write about it.