A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Calculate Your Process Sigma


How do you calculate your Process Sigma? Determining the lowest acceptable defect rate in your production is a way to increase customer trust and continue to follow through on quality. Consider a power company for illustration purposes: A power company measures its performance in uptime of available power to its grid. Here is the five-step process […]

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Beer Manufacturing Game

1.5 Sigma Process Shift: What It Means For Your Business


Why is 6 sigma 3.4 ppm, not 2 ppb? The calculation of process sigma after a process improvement project should be reported as short-term sigma.

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Should You Calculate Your Process Sigma?


Practitioners must learn when and how to calculate the sigma level of a process. Many people hear about the Six Sigma quality methodology and immediately want to calculate their own process sigma to determine how close (or far) they are from six sigma. My immediate response to them is twofold: Are you currently measuring your […]

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Service is the Key to Success


Why do people buy shoes from Nordstrom, when they can get a similar pair of similar quality for less money at other major department or clothing stores? Most stores carry a similarly large selection of shoes – large enough for most people to browse and make a selection. All stores have sales people, mirrors to […]

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Six Sigma Project Charter (With Template)


A project charter is the first step in the Six Sigma methodology. It takes place in the Define step of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), and the charter can make or break a successful project. It can make it by specifying necessary resources and boundaries that will in turn ensure success; it can break […]

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Defining Six Sigma For Your Business Or Organization


What is Six Sigma? Why do we need Six Sigma? Explaining Six Sigma is no easy task, but as a Quality professional we are expected to clearly articulate the benefits and necessity. If you can’t, you risk losing believers within your business. Use this simple 3 step explanation to help guarantee your success.

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