Mining for Lost Gold in the Transactional Environment
Published:Searching for lost gold in the transactional environments that are major components of all organizations is a Six Sigma imperative. A number of ways are available for successfully mining transactional processes, thereby reaping significant savings. Transactional- or service-focused Black Belts and Green Belts address problems which center on the elimination of process chaos. Transactional chaos […]
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Using a DMAIC-Style Approach to Win Service Contracts
Published:In today’s competitive environment, companies are looking for service providers that offer a lower cost and a trusted partnership. This is a need that can turn the request-for-quotes (RFQ) process into more than a bidding war. It is especially true when companies are looking to outsource major activities and are concerned about losing control. For […]
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Making the Business Case for a Six Sigma Deployment
Published:Many quality managers have read about and seen the benefits of Six Sigma but are unsure how to approach their senior leadership about the opportunity because they do not have a concise package of information to convey. Fortunately, there is a series of tried and true steps which can be taken to sell management on […]
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