Finding Black Belt Talent: The Buy-Make-Rent Dilemma


Should companies hire ready-to-go Black Belts, develop them internally or use a Black Belt from a consulting company? It is a question that many companies wrestle with during the early stages of deploying Six Sigma. The obvious trade-off is between the time it takes to develop one’s own talent and the time it takes to […]

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Business Innovation: Overcoming the ‘Dominant Logic’


“We have met the enemy and he is us.” – Pogo (a comic strip character created by Walt Kelly) A principal enemy of business innovation is cultural norms, or – as Professor Josep Valor-Sabatier of the IESE Business School of Navarra, Spain, describes it – the “dominant logic” of a company. Dominant logic can stifle openness and […]

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Six Sigma and Business Innovation: Process or Passion?


“Innovation is something new and contrary to established customs, manners or rites.” – Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Passion is one thing that both innovators and innovative companies share. Innovation, by definition, runs counter to conventional wisdom. To see a new idea become a reality, an individual or company has to have enough passion to overcome […]

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Success in the Development Stages of Six Sigma Teams


All Six Sigma teams are groups of individuals, but not all groups of individuals have the cohesiveness of a team. Teams outperform individuals because they generate a special energy. This energy develops as team members work together, fusing their personal energies and talents to deliver tangible performance results. The behavioral descriptors of a successful team […]

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