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Mastering the Art of R-Square Calculation: Tips and Techniques
Updated:R-square is the square of R. That’s easy. But what does it really mean, and how do I interpret it?
Read moreWhat Every SS Practitioner Should Know About R
Updated:You are convinced there is a correlation between your X and Y variables. But, you won’t know for sure until you can establish the strength of the correlation. That’s where R comes in. Let’s learn some more about R. R is the symbol used to represent the strength and direction of correlation between continuous variables. […]
Read moreThe Benefits of a Process Management System
Updated:Process management, sometimes referred to as Business Process Management (BPM) is a systematic approach to ensure that your organization’s business processes are aligned in an efficient and effective manner, and aligned with your organization’s strategic goals. Some of the benefits to having a process management system in place are: Overview: What is process management? The […]
Read moreProducers Risk
Published:You can’t be right all the time when making decisions about your process. But, you can manage that risk. Producer’s risk is one of those risks, so let’s learn a little bit more about it.
Read moreQueuing Theory: A Solution for Shorter Lines and Happier Customers
Updated:Have you ever waited in a line at the grocery store or bank? The British term for a line is a queue. Queuing theory is the mathematical study of waiting in line. Let’s learn more about this. The British refer to a line as a queue. Queuing theory is the mathematical study of people, objects […]
Read moreDiscover the Magic of Probability: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Updated:Have you ever heard someone ask the question, “What’s the odds of that happening?”. Well, that’s the concept of probability. Let’s learn a little more about probability and how it can be used in your organization. When you start discussing probability with someone else in your organization, you may hear the words deterministic or stochastic. […]
Read moreHow to Analyze Quantitative Variables
Updated:In statistics and math there are two types of data: quantitative data and categorical data. A variable that represents quantitative data is called a quantitative variable while a variable representing categorical data is called a categorical variable. Overview: What is a quantitative variable? Quantitative data represents values and numbers which can be measured or counted […]
Read moreParts Per Million (PPM)
Published:The term parts per million, or PPM, is used in a number of contexts in engineering, chemistry and process improvement. We will focus on the application in continuous or process improvement.
Read moreOSHA: Ensuring Safe and Healthy Work Environments
Updated:Many organizations claim that safety is Job #1. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is an agency in the U.S. Department of Labor which is responsible for ensuring that companies provide safe and healthy work environments for their employees. OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is a federal agency of the United […]
Read moreAssessing Process Performance: The Value of Establishing Baselines
Updated:How do you know if your diet is working? You need to start with a baseline and then measure change from that. You should do the same for all your processes. From that process baseline, you can know whether your process is getting better, worse, or not changing. The term “process baseline” typically refers to […]
Read moreThe Significance of OEM in Product Manufacturing
Updated:When you want to replace a part in your car, you should ask whether it is OEM or aftermarket. OEM parts will be the same as the part you are replacing. An aftermarket part may be similar but will not be from the same manufacturer or supplier who originally provided the part. Does it matter? […]
Read moreStep-by-Step Guide to Project Selection
Updated:The purpose of Lean Six Sigma is to identify opportunities for improving organizational processes. One of the challenges is the selection of projects for improvement teams to work on. Let’s learn more about how to select impactful projects. Both Lean and Six Sigma projects are used to improve organizational processes. Improvement teams are formed. DMAIC […]
Read moreHow to Use the P-Value to Evaluate Your Data and Draw Conclusions
Updated:Is there a real difference between machines? Did what I changed really help? Does a relationship really exist between temperature and pressure? The answers to these questions and others can be provided by the p-value.
Read moreUsing Paired T-Tests for Controlled Analysis
Updated:A paired t-test is a form of a two-sample t-test used in hypothesis testing. It is useful for answering questions about any significant differences for before and after comparisons.
Read moreOrdinal Data
Published:If you have categorical or descriptive data that has a natural order, sequence, or preference, it would be defined as ordinal data. Since ordinal data is one of four common types of data, you should understand what it is and how you can use it.
Read moreMastering Positive Correlation Analysis: Tools and Techniques
Updated:Correlation is a statistical term of the relationship between two variables. You can have a negative correlation, positive correlation, or no correlation. Let’s see what a positive correlation is all about.
Read moreCommon Non-Parametric Tests and Their Applications
Updated:Several statistical tests have underlying assumptions of a specific type of distribution which is required for the test results to be valid. But what if your data distribution does not meet that assumption? A non-parametric test might help. There are several hypothesis tests which assume your data has a specific distribution. For example, a 2-sample […]
Read moreOrdinal vs. Nominal Data: Which One Should You Choose?
Updated:When you have categorical data with a natural order or preference, you can call that ordinal data. When you describe data, you must first distinguish whether you are talking about numerical or categorical data. This is important for the proper selection and use of statistical and analytical tools. Categorical data is a type of data that […]
Read moreOne Piece Flow
Published:Companies love their batch flow processes. But, a one-piece flow might be a more efficient approach to producing your products. Let’s learn a bit more about one-piece flow.
Read moreMaking the Most of Outliers: Leveraging Insights for Improvement
Updated:An outlier in the context of statistics means a value in your data set is significantly different from the other values. This might be a good or bad thing depending on the situation.
Read moreStep-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Using Multiple Regression in Your Research
Updated:If you are trying to predict the outcome of a dependent variable by analyzing the relationship with several independent variables, then multiple regression may be your statistical tool of choice. Let’s examine multiple regression in more detail. Multiple regression is a statistical technique that allows you to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable and […]
Read moreLeptokurtic Distribution
Published:Sometimes your data isn’t a normal distribution. Sometimes, the curve is taller or shorter than the normal distribution. Is that a problem? We can answer that question by learning a little bit more about kurtosis and the leptokurtic distribution.
Read moreLean Manufacturing: Improving Quality and Reducing Costs
Updated:Lean manufacturing seeks to get rid of the extra fat and waste in your process while seeking to build muscle in your production processes. Let’s see how.
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