I would strongly recommend that you do some “personal due diligence” on the Internet. Reference such words as “Six Sigma Training.” Many articles have been written on the support roles of Six Sigma. Past issues of such magazines as “Quality Progress” will have information on the subject. Pick up the phone and call a Six Sigma consultancy — it is likely they will offer you some information. With just a little work, you will be able to answer your own question.
Please understand that such guidance can only be given if your specific circumstances are known, or at least pondered. For example, what is your academic background? Are you analytically oriented? Are you fairly good on a computer (i.e., Excel)? Does your company support Six Sigma? What training programs are locally available? What are you going to do with Six Sigma in the short-term as well as long-term? Do you have management skills? What about leadership skills? Do you like to work with people? Will your company provide the resources so you can plan and execute application projects? These and so many other questions must first be answered in order to provide the kind of quality guidance you are looking for. Good luck with your journey.