An engineering sample evaluation report (ESER) is a technical document that details the outcome of thorough product analysis. The report contains details about the goals of the analysis, methods used and results of the quality tests.
Overview: What is an engineering sample evaluation report (ESER)?
Engineering sample evaluations are basically a type of quality control mechanism that is unique to products or processes with a physical component. This primarily means physical products produced by a manufacturing process, but can also apply to professional services like construction and installations.
The ESER is the final document produced by the evaluation. It’s usually issued by a certified or reputable industry professional who carries out the analytical evaluation and may go through several drafts before an official version is produced.
3 benefits of a ESER
The engineering sample evaluation and the accompanying report have a lot of potential benefits for companies. At the very least it should have the full attention of people in charge of quality control.
1. Beyond the basics
The whole purpose of an ESER is to articulate and explain the results of a complex technical study. This means readers can benefit from detailed data resulting from reliable research methods.
2. Building product profiles
Getting detailed information about full and partial defects in product samples allows companies to start building profiles of their production processes. New or changing trends in the nature of sample defects could inform an engineer about where a potential problem may be in the production process.
3. Authoritative and informative
One of the most understated benefits of an ESER is the ability to use it as an objective and authoritative motivation for change. Rather than debate over opinions and ideas, leaders can point to the real data in the report to base their decisions on.
Why are engineering sample evaluation reports important to understand?
A report doesn’t offer much value if leaders don’t understand the language, context and implications. It’s important to know what kind of value you can extract from a technical report and where it might fall short.
Methodology matters
An engineering sample evaluation report should include the basic structure, approach and objectives of the investigation. Readers need to know the scope of the engineering tests and investigation to know how to frame the data.
Limits and blind spots
Every analytical process has limitations and blind spots. Readers should know that they can’t only rely on this one document to base their decisions on.
Careful conclusions
Leaders should consider any conclusions presented by analysts when reading the report, but shouldn’t necessarily embrace them immediately. Respecting the report’s findings and conclusions often hinges on the experience and reputation of the authors.
An industry example of an engineering sample evaluation report
A large electronics maker produces thousands of laptops every week in one of their manufacturing facilities. In response to an increase in reports of defects from customers, the company launches a stricter quality control program. To accomplish this, a team of hardware and software experts take random laptops from each lot and do a complete examination of the computer.
The team conducts a full analysis that includes a visual inspection of all internal and external components as well as access and implementation of the computer’s operating system. The analysts record findings from all of their sample tests and put them in a report that they present to company leadership.
3 best practices when thinking about ESERs
Leaders should try to make the most out of their sampling evaluations. There’s almost always at least one way you can use this data to implement more lean manufacturing strategies.
1. Meet with the analysts
In large organizations it’s very possible for decision makers to never meet the engineering analysts in person. However, leaders should make sure this is not the case. If possible, the people who conducted the investigation and wrote the report should discuss or present the findings in person.
2. Go beyond the report
Don’t limit your scope to the pages of the ESER. Instead, use it as a launching point to conduct follow up investigations to dig down into the real issues in their production processes.
3. Make them routine
Make formal quality control reports a recurring responsibility. It may not be feasible to do full-scale engineering tests on all samples, but this kind of reporting should happen on a regular basis.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about engineering sample evaluation reports
What should I include in an ESER?
The core content of an ESER is technical findings pertaining to engineering issues, which means lots of numbers and specifications. However, there should also be an account of methods, challenges and personal conclusions.
What is an engineering evaluation?
An engineering evaluation is a detailed technical analysis of a product to make sure it adheres to certain quality standards.
What should I do with an engineering sample evaluation report?
What leaders do with the report is up to them, but it’s a good idea to read and think about it carefully. Discuss the findings with team members or advisors who can help you figure out the next step.
Engineering better reports
Like other quality control measures, engineering sample evaluations and reports are a tool companies use to get better. They can help eliminate problems, cut down on defects and take some big steps to boost the future bottom line. Just remember that this information is only as good as the solution it inspires.